Nov 122016

I have been cruising through my usual haunts and came upon this and another article about the sorry state of affairs that has grown out of Trump's election win last Tuesday.  This is not going to be good at all!


Kris Kobach, the extremely controversial Kansas secretary of state, has been named to Donald Trump's transition team. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has been asked to join President-elect Donald Trump's transition team. The team will advise Trump on policy issues leading up to his swearing-in in January, preparing him to begin his first 100 days…















I first learned of Kris Kobach here at Politics Plus about 4-5 years ago.  I found it hard to believe that one person could hold so much hate.  Now the US has Drumpf, or as TC calls him, Furhrer Dumpfenfarten, who is just as racist. They both belong in hell together.  This does not bode well for America.  One thing that does concern me is SCOTUS.  Kobach has consistently lost in the courts.  But with SCOTUS stacked with conservatives, how long will it take until some of Kobach's cases land there?


  9 Responses to “The Architect of the Most Racist Law in Modern American History Has Been Named to Trump’s Team”

  1. Oh, yeah.  I wrote about Kris just recently, in Erinyes (#44).  He's the guy that dreamed up the cockamamie system (and sold it to 28 states.) that picks you out as a fraud if someone else with the same name is registered in a different state.   CROSSCHECK, it's called.  Of course he would be a Trumpet.

  2. Words fail me. 

  3. Uh…oh!

    Something is hitting the fan, and it's not air !!

    Thanks, Lynn for post.

  4. Isn't it wonderful, Americans get to see nepotism in action and up close! The name of Drumpf's son(s) and daughter, who haven't got a day of experience between them, are rumored to be on the list of key positions, and so are those of rich friends who endorsed him. All those people he promised a nice spot and a take of the action if they dropped out of the primaries and/or endorsed him, like Chris Christy, Ben Carson or Sarah Palin, now need to be taken care of too. And of course Kris Kobach. is now also cashing in on those promises

    I'd ROTFL if this wasn't so deadly serious. Drumpf is the man so many people from minorities decided to vote for, despite all the signs that said they shouldn't, because he'd change the system, he'd make America great again. Well, I've got news for those voters: nepotism is as old as the hills, part and parcel of that system you were rebelling against, and has brought the greatest empires to their knees. And Drumpf's nepotism will make sure that you will never be part of that "great" America.

  5. Kobitch?!!!?


  6. Ros, your first comment is correct with regard to the refugees. There was an article a while back where the Australian government was wanted to send about 1300 refugees to Canada for resettlement and thought we would take them because Trudeau was a patsy. There was absolutely no regard for the welfare of these people by Australia. In other articles I have seen, the current government seems to have little regard for refugees or Aborigines.

    Margie Fourie, is it the democratic vote? A better measure of the democratic vote is the popular vote.
    Figures from 2016 Presidential Popular Vote :
    Trump Popular Vote 61,201,031 Percentage 47.03%
    Clinton Popular Vote 62,523,126 Percentage 48.01
    Difference in Clinton's favour 1,322,095
    Now that is the democratic vote, not the electoral college vote. Time to learn your civics.

    Thanks all!

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