Nov 122009

I wish I could report a big improvement, but I’m still quite ill.  Visits today if at all will be limited.

Today’s Jig Zone puzzle took me 3:55.  To do it, Click Here.  How did you do?

Here’s your cartoon:

have a great day!


  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/12/2009”

  1. Hey TC… I meant what I said about sending you some relief… with the essentials. FREE, dude! And, I'm keeping you in my prayers to recover! Water! Drink a lot.

  2. Thanks Gwen. I just figured that by the time I got it, I'd already be better. Plus, my cooking facilities here are primitive at best.

  3. Get better soon, sir, but this is what you get for not demanding a government bailout. Should have told them you work for Goldman Sachs. 🙂

  4. LOL, Randal. If I did, I'd be recuperating in Bermuda.

  5. I spend enough time in the Wall St. neighborhood to know that most of the brokesters are semi literate as it stands now.

  6. That doesn'r surprise me, Libhom. It appears more based on who you know than what you know.

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