Sep 112016

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how outrageous InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

5 Outrageous Right-Wing Moments This Week: Republican Gets Brain Stuck in a Blender

While Hillary Clinton caught massive amounts of heat for accurately stating that many Trump supporters are "deplorable" people, a bunch of lovable racists, sexists and homophobes were gathered to spew venom in Washington D.C. At the Family Values Voter Summit gathering of right-wing evangelicals, very holy people like Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pence, Michelle Bachmann, alt-right racists,…

Disgusting, aren’t they?


  9 Responses to “Last Week’s Outrageous Republican Moments”

  1. Deplorable, dispicable, disgusting…then we have revolting, nauseating, vile, obnoxious, contemptible, repulsive, and about a hundred other words that would fit.  It's getting so I can barely skim the words of some of these folks without running for a barf bag.

    Trump brings out the worst in people – 'tis said everyone has some redeeming quality but I'm still looking with him…

  2. 1.  You mean "aspersions on asparagus" is not a song?  Gee, it sounds straight out of Tin Pan Alley.

    2.  "mostly because people of color don't seem terribly incliined to vote for Republicans (or racists like Trump.)"  I think that's part of it, but not most of it.  I think it's mostly because they are afraid that when they are a minority in numbers they will get treated the way they have treated others.  And if you can think of a more honest confession that they have been self-serving fascists all this time, I would be interested to hear it.

    3.  Ah, yes.  What would the GOP do without false equivalence?  WOuld they have anything to say at all?  Just askin'.

    4.  Not a basket.  Just basket cases.  Nothing to see here.

    5.  Shrill?  Joyless?  Well, Brit, Show me 57 male politicians at the Congressinal level and up who have had such things said about them.  Then we'll talk.

  3. Louis Gohmert…what comes into my mind is that you (and several others), …are the reason people mock Texas, and those who live here.

    Thanks, Tom for the weekly dose of insanity!

  4. 1. C'mon Alternet, stop calling Louis Gohmert a contender a contender for the stupidest person currently in Congress. There's no contest, he IS the stupidest congressman by far. And stop publishing his incoherent raving every time he gets hold of the microphone. Please…

    2. Wow, oracle Drumpf has spoken…well, plagiarized as the Drumpfs are wont to do, Bachmann this time. But this time I hope they're both right. The end of times for Republicans can't come too soon for me.

    3. Sigh… I bet Clinton won't make that mistake again, telling the truth and thinking the Drumpians were too busy being racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic white supremacists to take notice. She forgot about "unbiased mainstream media" like Faux News and Faux New Lite who were on the scent as the words left her mouth.

    4. Yeah, take that Hillary! By the way, there's some spittle on your bib, Mike.

    5. Poor Faux News guys, can't be sexist anymore (not after their Boss got kicked to the curb for it after decades of it). Don't we realize that it's so hard for them to change the way they speak about a woman on a podium other than in stripper or beauty pageant terms? Give these guys a break, they've been doing it for years, you can't unlearn habitual behavior in mere months!

  5. If they made a cartoon of these idiots, they would all the drawn as EVIL-doers that don't do ANYTHING but TAKE from the good guys!!!

  6. Gohmert seems bent on out doing his previous craziness.  Everytime he speaks, idiocy appears.  The rants on tv news today about whether Hillary should release her medical records(after her staff revealed she was fighting pneumonia) were ridiculous.  Especially since Trump hasn't released anything.

    Trump and Bachman are proof that two Rights can make a Wrong.  They are beyond ignorant.

    Cnn:  Don Lemon is doing exactly what CNN wants him to do, show Hillary in a bad light as often as possible.  They did the same when she campaigned against Obama in 2008.  Someone there does not like her.  Evey news cast my husband watched on CNN today was chastising her for not releasing her medical reports, making pneumonia sound like a conspiracy.

    Mike Pence is just mad because she told the truth.

    Britt Hume and Tucker Carlson are such snobs and misogynists. They both belong at Faux news.

  7. I read this yesterday and was struck by part of the title . . . "Republican Gets Brain Stuck in a Blender".  What a perfect description of Goh-merde and the rest of these right wing nut jobs!

  8. Lynn, that is just beautiful,thanks.!

    I do not bother with the despicable moments, on e-mail, as I do not need the aggravation, and it is all, it seems to me, just one more iteration of the same imbecilic theme.  Pres. Eisenhower was amazed, it has been reported, to learn that 1/2 of the U.S. population is below average in intelligence, but how did so many of them get into politics and reporting?

  9. Thanks all!!  Very tired hugs!

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