Jun 102016


Yesterday TomCat showed us with that great “A House Divided” video that Democratic Party unity can not only be fun, but it can be funny.  Turns out that it can also be very heart-warming …

And boy, that was just yesterday’s fun!

It began when Sen. Sanders got together with Pres. Obama in the Oval Office at the White House.  That meeting went exceedingly well in beginning to unite our Democratic Party (with one wag joking the only problem Pres. Obama had was that Bernie didn’t want to leave).

And then the endorsements for Sec. Clinton started coming – one right after the other … Pres. Obama (Boom!) … VP Biden (BOOM!) … Sen. Warren (BOOM!).


And they all are taking a page right out of Hillary’s playbook on how to deal with the bully known as Herr Drumpf.  When she was asked how she plans to handle his upcoming, incoming attacks that had utterly decimated sixteen of his fellow Rethuglicans leading to his “presumptive nominee” status, Hillary tenderly recalled her Mother’s sage advice: “She told me to never back down from a bully, which it turns out was pretty good advice.”

So we can all expect to see a lot more of this in the next five months …


As per usual, Obama did it with his kid glove, low-key sense of humor.  When he was asked by Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon if he thinks that the “Republicans are happy with their choice of Trump”, he quickly replied, “Well, we are!”


And it helps that the turning point came when “Don the Con” actually opened the can of worms for himself by attacking Indiana-born Judge Curiel (who is overseeing his Trump University fraud lawsuit) as a “Mexican”. 

It was at that point the press started smelling blood in the water, and hopefully will begin doing their jobs in earnest.  Just yesterday USA Today published a hard-hitting, honest-to-god investigative report documenting that Trump has stiffed hundreds of small business owners out of hundreds of thousands of hard-earned dollars over the years.

With that much blood in the water, and with any luck that the MSM will finally start to vet him, Trump’s press conferences may end up looking like this:


We can all agree that coming together as a united party is critical.  As Sen. Warren pledged, “I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure that Donald Trump never gets within shouting distance of the White House.” 

So unity cannot only be fun …


(Although we're gonna need a bigger car)

It can be good for our Party and our country’s soul …





  12 Responses to “Friday Fun – Unity Is Fun, Funny & Good for the Soul”

  1. Well done Nameless!  I particularly love Bugsie and the cruising car!

    Vote blue no matter who!!!

  2. Yes, unity can be fun and creates funny bedfellows…that may lead to unanticipated outcomes

  3. One way to add more unity:

    another petition to the DNC on party platform–this one Medicare for all:

  4. Good Set for Friday Fun. 

    The video, “A House Divided”, was simp;y awesome and funny and a bit heart-warming too. The kids looked a bit bewildered in this. lol. 

    One "Boom" after another… Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! 

    MSM needs to start vetting and reporting on Drumpt's background in his businesses, career so the people know exactly who and what he is. Here is a set of 21 questions, ready to ask and go, for the "con thief" Drumpf: 


    Love the "car" cartoon. Made me laugh out loud. And the Donnelly drawing – Good One.

    Thanks to Nameless for this Friday's Fun. 

    • Thanks for the link, Jim.  I shared it widely.  The networks have all given Trump a hand with all the free coverage on his campaign.

  5. "A House Divided" is hilariious!! LOL.

    Aww…sweet cartoon! by Donnelly.

    "BOOM" !!

    Love the 'car' toon. It's nice to see them laughing.

    Thank you, Nameless. Great post!! Thanks, Lynn for posting.

  6. One small correction.  The shark should be eating something that would surely give it indigestion:  Rump Dump.

  7. Thank you Nameless,and Lynn for posting.  What I liked about the President's and Joe's interviews was that both said something on the order of "If Bernie wants to hang on through the final primaries, he is the one to make that decision – he has earned the right to do so."  Now that's class.

  8. Thanks, Nameless, and Lynn.  This was a good one.

  9. Thanks Nameless, I love the way you take the edge off with a bit of humor of what is now becoming a very grim discourse between staunch Hillary and equally staunch Bernie supporters. Hearing Bernie speak of wanting to work together with Hillary to defeat Drumpf and Obama, Biden and Warren endorse Hillary, but waiting with that until it was clear Hillary won the primaries, it seems that at least the major players have set their minds to reach the same goal: Dump Drumpf. Let's hope their message resonates among all Democratic voters and makes them rethink what their options are. Stand divided, underestimate Drumpf like the GOP did, follow their conscience to the bitter and and then put that conscience in the back of the cupboard for the next four years or more Or stand united, show their conscience that it is in the interest of all to reign in a bit, fight Drumpf every which way and then put their conscience into the highest gear to get a truly progressive party off of the ground. Unite and COMPROMISE ON BOTH SIDES.

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