Jun 202010

The Republican Party is always touting themselves as the party of small entrepreneurs.  But they abandon that stance, whenever they want control to deprive people of benefits.

20Christie I thought Republicans were for the small businessmen and against more government regulation? (Not to mention that most business experts recommend concentrating on “core competencies.” Think growing marijuana is Rutgers’ area of expertise?)

If the GOP ever acted consistently with their stated principles, I think I’d drop dead from the shock. But Gov. Christie has already proved he has no such scruples:

TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie’s administration said Rutgers University’s agricultural center should grow the pot and hospitals should dispense it under the state’s medical marijuana program, according to three people briefed on the proposal.

If legislators agree with the administration and amend a law that passed in January, New Jersey would be the first among the 14 medical marijuana states to run a centralized production and distribution system. The proposed changes represent an even more restrictive program — beyond one that was already the most conservative in the country — and eliminate the option of entrepreneurial growers and dispensaries getting some of the state’s marijuana business.

Letting the program operate through one grower and hospitals would minimize some of Christie’s concern about the program posing a security and safety threat, according to the sources, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to disclose the details.

Critics have said the governor is needlessly dragging his feet in a state that has at least 5,000 citizens who need the drug to alleviate pain and suffering.

Roseanne Scotti, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance of New Jersey, said she had heard “rumors” about the state wanting to involve Rutgers and hospitals. She said she wished the administration would stick to the bill that took years to pass.

“Why go back to drawing board, especially when seriously ill people are waiting?” she asked. Scotti also said the changes would limit economic growth from the medical marijuana industry.

“A lot of very responsible and respectable people have begun to step forward,” she said. “I thought the Christie administration is supposedly business-friendly.”

… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Personally, I haven’t smoked weed in over thirty years, and I haven’t lived in NJ in over forty years, so this has no effect on me whatsoever.  However, I can personally attest that Rutgers University Agricultural Center used to produce some excellent quality pot.  The New Jersey Legislature passed this bill.  The Obama DOJ reversed the GOP Regime policy to prosecute legitimate state licensed medical marijuana growers.  The only reason for this is that the Republican party opposes it.

While I do not support or encourage marijuana use, I believe that even its recreational use should be decriminalized.  Originally it was outlawed only because an earlier generation of Republicans wanted an excuse to harass Latinos.


  2 Responses to “GOP: For Small Businesses Before They were Against Them”

  1. I think we should decriminalize pot and tax it – this would put an end to the drug wars. Police are even in favor of it because they never get a call of someone being unruly on pot vs. alcohol. Like Robin Williams said “You aren’t exactly motivated or empowered on pot – the most motivated you are is to call for a pizza.” That being said, I think that growing their own pot for medicinal use is a fine idea. You could control the quality and strength and deliver it to patients. I haven’t smoked in years either (it makes me SUPER paranoid) and the pot they make now is A LOT stronger than the pot I smoked as a teenager (I was an avid user in High School). Whatever, you wanna smoke pot, decriminalize it and tax it. That would plug the deficit hole in CA and a lot of other states in no time.

    • Lisa, I should have mentioned the advantages of taxing it. Perhaps just thinking about those days brought on forgetfulness. 😉

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