Dec 292015


This is in repsonse to Lynn's comment "and best and worst lists, the '…est' lists"

Actually, I rather enjoy those Lists.

Truth be told, I was just looking for an excuse to use the "Too Cute GIF" of a kitten's "Face Palm" … or is it "Face Paw"?



  6 Responses to “Oh, No! Not Another “Year in Review” List!”

  1. Face palm or face paw, it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

    I am not a big fan of the lists simply because many are too subjective and we are inundated, ad nauseam!


    Posted to Care2

  2. Probably "Face pawlm."  Most years I don't mind them so much.  This year, being so behind and running in circles that if I try to go too fact I may catch proctocephaly and become Republican, I just could not take another one.  Thanks, Nameless, and Lynn for posting.

  3. O…M…G…  kitty paw "smack", not another "best and worst" list… sigh…

    cute video. lol. 

  4. Whatever that movement is called, it's just too cute. Thank you for posting, Nameless and Lynn.

  5. CAT is still where it's AT!!

  6. Love the video, but I am sick of the year in review lists, too, as well as the dozens of requests for donations in my inbox.  Seems every group I have signed a petition for this year wants money that I don't have to give.

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