May 272010

By the time I returned home from my volunteer work yesterday, it was time for dinner and bed, so I now have two days of replying to comments and returning visits to catch up.  I don’t know how much time I will have today, because I have to go to the Social Security office.  The last time I was there, I went because they required me to prove my identity with an original copy of my birth certificate.  I waited almost five hours for someone to make a copy of the original.  Last week I received a letter from them that I have never proven my identity, and they require me to bring in an original copy of my birth certificate.  ARGH!! 😯

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:01.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football:

Soon you will be invited to join the a fantasy football league, Lefty Bloggers and Friends, ob CBS Sports.  I have registered the league, but have not had time to set it up yet.

Short Takes:

From CNN: BP officials may know by Thursday afternoon whether the oil company’s latest attempt to cap the runaway leak in the Gulf of Mexico is yielding results.

Cross your fingers, hope, pray, send positive energy – whatever your beliefs support that this will work.

From Jerusalem Post: Israel was sharply rebuked and accused of war crimes and serious breaches of international law in Amnesty International’s annual report, published on Wednesday.

Amnesty International is one of the few organizations I support with a small contribution.  Sometimes poverty is no excuse not to help.

From Washington Post: Vaughn Ward, one of the Republican Party’s top recruits for the 2010 elections, lost his congressional primary in Idaho on Tuesday — the latest establishment favorite to falter in an election this spring.

State Rep. Raul Labrador won 48 percent of the vote in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, which covers the north and west of the state. Ward won 39 percent; three others were well back.

Ward was the fool who plagiarized Obama’s 2004 speech almost word-for-word.  Because it’s Idaho, this virtually assures another Teabagger will be in Congress.


Enjoy your day!


  4 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/27/2010”

  1. This time go to SSA with 2 Certified copie of both your birth cert just hand them one. Make sure they mark down the date and time they received. SSA is in need of a major overhaul; that is one of the worst government agencies to deal with and they regularly ‘lose’ paper work. It’s like they try to be the most inefficient agency on Earth! And they are definitely winning in that prize area.

  2. All praise and thanks to the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb!

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