Sep 102015

It's SoINeedAName posting.

I just thought the 9/3/15 "Personal Update" post was getting a bit unwieldy to manage and navigate for information with so many Comments, so I decided I'd try my hand at putting up two new posts:

[1] Dated Open Thread and

[2] Updates, Questions, Concerns WRT TC

This is my first try at WordPres – so I have no idea if it will even post.  If you think it's a bad idea, just ignore it, because I doubt that I can unpublish it.  It will NOT hurt my feelings one bit.



  82 Responses to “SURROGATE Open Thread 9-10-2015”

  1. I see it and the next one.  Nice work.

    djw (not that one)

  2. WHOA!  I may have bitten off more than I can chew!

    I had NO idea I now have to moderate all the Comments.  I'm sure there are some formats to have automatic approval for recognized email addresses – but I have NO idea how to apply it.

    I'm getting a bunch of emails – some from names I don't recognize – but to date, all seem to be worthy to post.  But I'm not sure how to do bulk approvals.  I tried – but it didn't seem to work.

    Let me dink a bit, but you may want to use the old 9/3/15 one until I can figure it out.  And to be honest, I'm doubtful I'll have the time to moderate every Comment if that's what it requires.

    Let's see what I can figure out …

  3. TC had his set so they would automatically post if the person was registered with name & email; and did not include more than a couple links in what they posted so it was only things without those he had to review.

  4. Thanks for all the info on TC, Nameless. I've been absent from here or a week or so and just found out about his hospitalization. It sounds as though he is in very good hands. I will keep him in my prayers.

  5. It opened… lol. At library as my DSL went out. 

  6. I wasn't able to post on the personal update just now, but this one seems to be letting me reply.  Of curse I haven't his "submit" yet.  Consider this a trial balloon.

    • Ha!  It did post.  Nameless, thank you for everything.  Nothing like being an MD to get information out of other medical professionals.  I'm not an idiot (at least I don't think so) but I wouldn't even know what to ask.  And as far as I can tell, you are doing great on WordPress.  I tried it for a while but hated it (of course I'm sure part of that was the O/S and ISP) so I'm no help here.

    • Other past threads have similarly been closed to new comments now, which will make things more manageable for TC when he returns to his blogging–wonderful and considerate idea!  Thanks Nameless

  7. Thanks, Nameless, for getting as much info as you could, we are all worried.  I Appreciate you so much.

  8. Yeah, Nameless, the reply button is gone on the other thread now. But since I found this one, I will give you some props in being GREAT at jumping in and doing this for TC! 

    Sounds like there is a lot of stuff going on with him. So, so worried about him! Septic shock is NO JOKE, at ALL! Just hoping that his antibiotics kick in soon and he gets to feeling better! Amazing that his COPD hasn't been an issue in this! Thats GREAT! Love to hear that! 

    He must be in a lot of pain, tho. Those debridement things are not fun. Hopefully, they keep him knocked out enough to where he doesn't even know it. 

    Sending my prayers and hugs to TC! He's a great guy and I hope he gets well SOON! 

    Thanks for all your patience and thoughtfulness, Nameless! You are the best, dude! Keep us informed. I know you will, tho! 

  9. As (bad) luck would have it, my desktop computer just "died" with "Operating System Not Found" – and it looks like it's going to be a major process to even TRY to get it corrected.

    I'm using my backup laptop – which I fortunately had just done a pretty throrough sync w/ my desktop right before my trip to IL.

    • I hate it when that happens – and I have had it happen when it turned out to be "just kidding."  And I still hated it.  Good luck.  You are doing splendidly.

  10. Good heavens ~ I was surprised to hear about TC! I have been sick, so not able to do much online. Thanks Joanne D for keeping me in the loop! I am praying for TC and hope he makes a speedy and complete recovery. God Bless you, dear man.

  11. This is working for me. Thank you so much, Nameless for the information, and for you starting a page.

    I hope that TC gets to feeling better, from the hypotension, and the I&D, and debridement of his foot. Glad to read that he is resting for now..and hope that they can get to the root of the septic shock, and take care of that.

    Thank you again, for the updates, I continue to pray and hope that TC gets well.


  12. Great work, Nameless. Thanks for taking all this trouble to keep TomCat's PP up and running.

  13. Nameless, thanks for all your hard work and JL for publishing the Updates page on Care2.  Thank you JL and JD for the background help that people don't know about.

    Because some people don't always come to the site, I also place the card info on Care2.

    I'm sending out an email to you guys.


    I got 50+ emails today WRT Comments from here – which surprised me!

    Apparently I have to "Approve" people who have NOT previously posted w/ a valid email address.  Consequently there are a few Care people that are not familiar to me – but their Comments look valid – so I "Approved" them.

    BUT it's a lot to wade through, so if you folks that participate at Care could share any feedback from anyone who tried to post but didn't see it up, LMK and I'll try to look for a specific email.

    So far I've not turned anyone down – but I may miss people.  Tell them I apologize, and try to post again.

    This WordPress stuff is new to me, and I do NOT want to mess it up for TC – so tell them to be patient.

    • PS –

      There are three that look like they MAY be in "limbo" – but I've not been able to "release" them as approved, although I've tried.  If the below names look familiar to you Care people, let them know I'm trying (but haven't figured it out yet) – and to try posting again, if they're so inclined.

      "James M"

      "Pat B"

      "Nancy W"


      • Thanks for all this hard work Nameless. 

        Pat B and Nancy W have succeeded in getting at least one comment through.  I believe both are periodically checking what is here to see your post.  Hadn't seen James M here for awhile, so less sure about him.

        My Care2 post is now on what Care2 calls the Front Page (the most heavily trafficked news) so right now would be the period of expected heaviest volume.

      • I spent considerable time last night trying to release 6 comments.

        The 3 comments that are still pending are from 09/09 or earlier.  I believe that they are unable to be approved because that thread, which was originated by TC, is closed for new comments.

        I don't know, but when TC is back he may be able to release them.

  15. I did get through! Normally this would be worthy of my signature happy dance but not until T,C. Is doing better.

    Anyone catch Joe Biden on Colbert Thursday night? Gut wrenching. I think he is being told to stand by in case Hillary's numbers go down. 

  16. A big thank you to Nameless! 

  17. Thanks for this Nameless – and thanks too to JL A for putting a message on Care2 with this link on it.   I have read Nameless' post in the previous thread there about TC with great concern – am redoubling prayers for him, it sounds much worse than I thought – I gasped with horror at the things wrong with him.  Off to pray some more!


  18. Just so you all understand, Nameless and I have publishing rights but we do not have administrator functions.  TC is the administrator.

    This will limit some of the things we can do.  Also, neither of us is "trained" at WordPress and the blog so we will keep things as simple as possible, but try to bring you as much information as possible.

  19. ***BARF BAG ALERT***  This is not Alternet's weekly collection of idiocy but it is from Right Wing Watch and specifically regarding "the Iran Deal."

    • Given this aspect "But, to the surprise of no one, they have filed charges against this young boy of color." the insanity can go beyond imagination into our worst nightmares…

  20. Puzzles:

    Thursday 5:02 (5:17) if anyone cares.  They do look delicious.
    Friday 4:06 (5:07) I believe this is a repeat, but if so, I am still tied up.

  21. Some good news, and frankly, better than I expected –

    To be clear, I expected the votes, but not the filibusters.

    • Thanks for posting this Joanne–I considered posting it, yet hope my email will bring me a petition/letter writing campaign soon to counter the House's new claim that the 60 days hasn't started because they don't have copies of two side agreements that the administration doesn't even have–our needed effort isn't over yet sadly.

  22. Jim P just sent me (on C2) the real answer to TomCat's current poll:

    Rick Perry Drops Out Of Presidential Race

    On Friday afternoon, September 11, 2015, Rick Perry became the first candidate in the congested Republican field to drop out of the presidential race. In a concession speech delivered to the Eagle Forum in St. Louis, Missouri,

  23. A positive effort in support of more Syrian refugees being accepted:

  24. Everybody, I am going to post an Open Thread to help occupy us while we wait for more news.  It may cut off this Open Thread . . . I just don't know.  I will check for pending comments first.  If it also closes the update page as well, I will start another.

    Thanks for your support as Nameless and I try out our wings!

    • We should all be thanking you for your hard work here!   I'll save a copy of this comment in case it hits at exactly the wrong moment…

      Something ese to be worried about while we try to be patient about Tom: 

      • Yikes!  Scary risks there in TX.

        Thanks so much for your added efforts here Lynn!

      • And some Americans are worried about Iran?  This is nuts!

      • Briefly looking at the link name, I thought it was an article about panties. lol. Looked closer, read the link and linked in and read it all. Cutting benefits is a no-no especially at this company. What is wrong with the company and its management? Is the company that greedy and willing to sacrifice the safety, health of its own workers and their own company? 

        You do not fool around with nuclear weapons! Ever! Why are we even making them in the first place. . . sigh . . .

    • Lynn, you and nameless are doing a FANTASTIC job with something that you have never had to do before! Thank goodness for the updates! I would be beside myself with worry by now!

      Y'all are doin GREAT! Thanks so much for your hard work!


    • We are all "anxiously" holding our breaths. . .  lol. . . 

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