Poll Results–4/1/2015

 Posted by at 10:02 am  Blog News, Politics
Apr 012015

Here are the results of our “Capital Punishment” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking or will of the national majority.


Our Polling Host no longer allows us to copy and paste your comments made when taking the poll.  To read them, click here.

With few exceptions our readers are united in opposition to sponsored murder.

The new poll is up.  Please vote.


  9 Responses to “Poll Results–4/1/2015”

  1. Research has never found it achieved its purpose of deterring crime and it costs more than life in prison without possibility for parole so a poor public expenditure undeserving of existing.

  2. Two thoughts –

    Most people don't know what "deterrence" means. I except our community, but I'm still going to state it to help us be alert to someone else in a discussion who doesn't understand:  Deterrence does NOT mean deterring the offender so he or she won't do it again.  Deterrence means deterring OTHER PEOPLE from doing the same crime.  And it never works.  Back when they hanged pickpockets, the busiest business days for pickpockets were the days of the public hangings.

    No one is "beyond help."  "Incurable" is a possibility, but that's not the same thing.  And, if the truth were known, here's what would happen if we killed all pedophiles:  yes, I know some are women, but there would be so many men dead that we would have to bring back polygamy.

  3. The death penalty would never be a deterrent. If it was, murdering would have stopped long, long, long ago!

  4. The death penalty IS sponsored murder and it does not stop crime. 

  5. To build on JD's comment "No one is "beyond help."  "Incurable" is a possibility, …"  That is what life in prison with no chance of parole.

    State sponsored executions are state sponsored murder!  If executions were a deterrence, there would not be anymore crimes where the death penalty was the sentence.

    As Mahatma Gandhi said "An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind."

  6. It's a cruel and unusual punishment; it fails in its main mission of deterrence; it provides no grace for legal errors; and it's more costly than life in prison without the possibility of parole.

    So many FAILS … is it any wonder Rethuglicans are gung-ho for it?

  7. With all the austerity the TeaPulicanTs preach, you would think they would oppose the death penalty due to economic reasons.

  8. Question – was it the same person, possibly on different visits to the site (and who on earth was it?) who voted 'kill them all' 'kill more' and 'keep it the same' – the first category is the most worrying, I think!


  9. Amen to all the comments listed.  I receive invaluable assistance in my volunteer work from men whose death sentences were commuted to natural life.  They have made helping others a way of life.

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