Mar 182015

I’m still feeling quite ill, so I’m staying down, except that today is a grocery delivery day.  I’m figuring that putting them way, when they arrive, will max out my available effort for the day.  Does anyone know what happened to Mamabear at Care2?  She and the Polotics Plus group she ran there disappeared.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today's took me 2:51 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



For those that didn't understand yesterday.


  13 Responses to “Personal Update–3/18/2015”

  1. I got an announcement she was leaving Care2 from a different group co-host and had turned the group over to her.  I saw in Feedback & Suggestions that Eric was able to revitalize a different group and turn it over to someone else when the person who owned was leaving–you might to recruit a replacement for her to take over the group.

    • Mamabear Claw is showing as a past member on the following Open Thread 04/02/2015  and will show that way on any of her posts. Otherwise I have seen or heard nothing.

    • Thanks.  That's not a possibility, Mamabear just deleted the Politics Plus group, although there were co moderators.  I don't have time to run a Care2 group, but several seemed to like it, so I would have seen if someone else wanted to run it.  It's too late now.  I just hope people don't assume that the real Politics Plus is gone,

  2. 3:44 average still 4:37.  Brrrrr.

    Oh, yeah.  I get that.  Saints in politics?  They would have to be secular saints to comply with the Constitution.  I'm sure that if you were willing to restrict the drive-them-out-of America to banksters (but make them leave the money behind), Saint Elizabeth Warren would be only too happy to preside over the exodus.  I would myself, but I don't have the clout.

  3. 2:46  I go downhill much better than I go uphill.

    • 2:49  Welcome back Jerry!  Missed you . . . but maybe that was because you were travelling too fast!

      Cartoon — The last line from my response yesterday "Not lemmings please.  We don`t need a population explosion of Republicanus/Teabaggerum!  Let`s go with St Paddy`s snakes . . . driving them all into the sea."  This is sort of the flip side . . . in any case, it is the end of Republicanus/Teabaggerum!

  4. Encouraged that you're up to putting away your groceries.

    … AND realizing that food is WAY more important than researching articles.  You run a top-notch triage program!

  5. I am glad to know you have enough energy to put away the groceries, sounds like you are improving. 

  6. Putting away all those groceries is a considerable chore when ill – hope you have something nice as a treat – fresh lemons to make a nice restoring lemon drink perhaps?

  7. Maybe Mamabear got booted from Care2 like I did. But she disappeared from here too?

    Load up the clown car and give St. Paddy the keys!

  8. Thanks all.  Still about the same.

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