Mar 152015

I’m still feeling horrid.  My fever is starting to come down, but my COPD is severe.  In addition to my normal meds, Nameless, I’m following all the standard precautions and staying in bed, plus using my nebulizer with an Ipratropium Bromide and Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation solution.  Hot green tea also helps.  My Wellness Formula vitamins arrive tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:05 (average 6:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



  26 Responses to “Personal Update–3/15/2015”

  1. Thanks for the personal update TC and Happy Birthday Edie!

  2. 5:40 average still 6:23.  Harder than it looks.

    TC, I'm not Nameless, but I appreciate the medical info anyway.  My doctor says I should be entitled to a medical degree because I can spell all the generic and proprietary names of all my meds correctly, but I'm sure he is just kidding there.

    Edie, a very happy birthday to you!  I will catch up to you in four and a half months.  Yeah, scary, isn't it?

  3. OMG! Another Birthday, Edie… Already… lol.

    Get well soon and rest, TC.

  4. Happy B-Day, Edie!  (And might I add you look FABULOUS, even if I'm jealous of you just turning 39.)

    And for what it's worth, TC, I think your comments seem perkier.  I'll take that as a good omen.

  5. 3:50  Now if the blue houses were only purple, that would make me quite happy . . . and appropriate for this time of year, Easter!  I used to live in Victoria, BC many years ago and there was a purple clapboard house with fluorescent orange trim.  Quite the sight!  We have done this puzzle several times before.

    Hapee Birday Edie! . . . and many, many more!

    TC, 3 things you should do:1) rest; 2) rest some more; 3) rest a lot more and drink lots of fluids until you pee like a race horse!

    Well I'm off to see momma!

  6. Hang in there, TomCat! Sounds like you are going to get a handle on this infection. Hope it gets better! Take good care you!
    We miss you, TC!

  7. Awww, thanks, TC.  I appreciate your remembering my birthday, in spite of how bad you feel.  HOpe you get better very very soon.

  8. Happy belated Birthday, Edie! Sorry I missed it. I hope you had the best day ever!  

  9. More Happy Birthday wishes Edie!  (Congrats on your forthcoming wedding aniversary too!).

    Poor poorly TC – the meds you are taking sound very good (God bless the internet!) and all the advice does too – keep gently recovering!


  10. Thanks Edie and all.

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