Strike Three Proved Himself

 Posted by at 1:46 pm  Politics
Feb 122015

GHW was Strike One.  He was so incompetent that he couldn’t win with his opponent in the midst of the Paula Jones sex scandal.  But he did appoint enough Supreme Court Injustices that they could steal the presidency for his son.  GW was Strike Two, the worst President the US has ever had.  Hundreds of Bushisms reveal his incompetence.  Jeb is trying to portray himself as a different kind of Bush: smart and techy, an e-Bush.  Strike Three!

0212JebJeb Bush may make a presidential run in 2016, but the Republican politician has already make a glaring faux pas, ironically compromising the privacy of some his supporters and critics alike in a blundered attempt at transparency.

Bush decided to publish in Personal Storage Table (.PST) format thousands of emails he received during his eight years as the governor of Florida between 1999 and 2007.  The published emails had been received by his official gubernatorial account, [Strike Three delinked]

What began as ostensibly well intentioned attempt to showcase his open door policy went astray when visitors discovered that the published data trove contained unredacted names, email addresses, physical mailing addresses, phone numbers, and even Social Security numbers

Inserted from <Daily Tech>

Exposing the personal particulars and violating the privacy of everyone who reached out to him demonstrates a level of competence in the ballpark with Strike One and Strike Two.

02121Jeb2In what may well be the shortest-lived career as a political technology officer, Jeb Bush’s newly appointed Chief Technology Officer, Ethan Czahor, resigned yesterday after he was called out in media for deleting a series of "offensive" tweets.

The Washington Post’s headline was, "Jeb Bush’s chief technology officer resigns after racially insensitive comments."

Czahor, one of the co-founders of, admitted to what the Bush camp described as "regrettable and insensitive comments," such as suggesting that "black parents need to get their sh@# together." He also, in backhanded fashion, expressed his relief that Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t wear "pants sagged to his ankles," or speak in "jibberish." These tweets were written several years ago, but, as Post writer, Phillip Rucker explained, Czahor, "could not survive the racially insensitive comments that surfaced on Tuesday."

Czahor could, however, have survived the sexist ones. The first media reports of his tweets were about his opinions regarding gender and sexuality. Buzzfeed’s Andrew Kaczynski  cataloged a whole series of tweets prior to their deletion…

…For good measure, there were also disparaging, homophobic ones. Racist commentary was also brought to light. It’s a bundled service…

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

While his choice’s values line up perfectly with those the Republican Party practices that message is far more honest than the one he wants to send.  He’s certainly no better at choosing people than Strike One and Strike Two.

Rachel Maddow provided even more detail.

The bottom line here is self-evident.  There is no different kind of Bush.  Jeb is just as honest, just as competent, and just as concerned for the poor and middle classes as his brother.  Strike Three!


  21 Responses to “Strike Three Proved Himself”

  1. I'm sure there must be exceptions (just because I have never heard of one doesn't mean they don't exist), but my impression of the tech field today is that if you want to hire a real cutting edge techie who hasn't embarrassed himself with sexist tweets and other posts, you had better hire a her.

  2. Brazen incompetance?

  3. $100,000 a person. :mrgreen:

  4. Jeb's "campaign" is not off to a stellar start.  Between releasing email w/ people's Social Security and other private ID info, combined w/ the misogynist, homophobic, racist tweeting techie you got to wonder who they hired to vet the vetters.

    And to top it off, is it me or does his campaing slogan of "Right to Rise" sound like an ad for erectile dysfunction?


  5. Your last statement says it all.  "There is no different kind of Bush.  Jeb is just as honest, just as competent, and just as concerned for the poor and middle class as his brother."  And this is why I hope he never becomes President.  We have not recovered from the 8 years his brother was in office.

  6. Didn't momma Bush say "We don't need another Bush in the White House."?  Well if Jebby's momma is saying that, then America, sit up and listen!

    For someone who is supposedly POTUS material, he really has had lousy judgement when it comes to techieness, and that's just in the past few days.  Add to that a long list of previous "activities", some which border on the criminal.

    No more Bushes in the rose garden!

  7. Jeb should have listened to Mommy.

    Now if he is still intent on running, I suggest he go to England and hold a press conference. That seems to flush the toilet on all previous GOP aspirants to the WH this year.

  8. The USA cannot afford another Bush in the White House, simply said and stated.

  9. If there is ANYTHING that we, as a people, cannot stand is another SHRUB! They are the Monsanto of the Greedy Old People’s party! Greed is their main DNA and Mommy does know best when she said that the White House couldn’t handle another Bush! She knows they have just about run out their string before They all end up IN JAIL!

  10. Three strikes?  Bush league!

  11. Oh dear Heaven – have mercy on America and get those who currently will not see the corruption of the Right to see it and vote against it!  No Jeb!

    Rachel Maddow – all governments must have standard donations for politcal parties to campaign – this is the only way of weaning them off  crawling to the filthy rich for money and thus having to obey them for ever after.  Bring back democracy!

    Pappy Bush was truly divorced from the normal lives of normal people when seeing the shopping barcodes – and his horrible sons are even worse – and the world is still suffering from the things they did.



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