May 062010

Yesterday I had no time to answer comments or return visits.  I think I mentioned that the therapist I used to help with a group of former prisoners retired, and I’m now working with her replacement.  She asked me, if I would start staying later to help with one-on-one people.  By the time I returned home I was pooped and starving.  I quit Facebook yesterday.  I received an email from my parole officer, saying that he prefers his clients not to use the service.  If you were not aware that I’m a former prisoner, please see the ‘About Me’ page here.  Today I hope to catch up a bit, but it’s my last day of pulmonary boot camp, so we’ll see.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:42.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Huffington Post: House Republicans have chosen Lord Christopher Monckton, a non-scientist with a penchant for outrageous remarks, as their sole witness at tomorrow’s hearing in front of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

His purpose will be to put up a smoke screen.  That hearing will be a rough day for the science-hating GOP.

From Think Progress: In the wake of the massive BP oil spill, Senate Republicans are disowning the catchphrase “Drill, Baby, Drill,” claiming that Republicans never endorsed it. Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) attempted to distance themselves and their party from the phrase yesterday, pretending not to know who popularized it, and dismissing the slogan as something from “two, three years ago”.

It is equally true that the Pope is not Catholic, and bears do not sh*t in the woods.

From PR Watch: George Rekers, a Baptist minister who along with James Dobson co-founded the powerful Christian lobbying group Family Research Council, was spotted arriving at Miami International Airport with a companion he hired from a gay escort Web site called Dr. Rekers said he hired the prostitute as a travel assistant for a trip to Europe after having had surgery. "I can’t lift luggage. That’s why I hired him," Rekers said. [emphasis added]

Dang!!  I get George has a wide stance!  LOL!!  Even Supply-side Jesus (not the real one, but the GOP invention to justify their gospel of war, hate, racism, and greed) probably won’t buy that one!


Hope life is good to you today!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/6/2010”

  1. On ‘drill baby drill’ I say “Let’s go to the tape!” Every one of those fuckers have being saying it for years. It’s even on the teabagger signs. WTF? Not all of us are as stupid as you.

    As for the guy bringing home “rentboy” (yes he got him off a website), he’s described as ‘having a sweet, perfect, tight ass and an 8 inch penis’. Just the kind of guy the Co-Founder of Focus on the Family needs to carry his luggage. bwahahahaha!

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