May 042010

Yesterday I was swamped.  By the time I answered my email, it was time to go, and bu the time I returned, I was pooped for the day.  So I have two days of comments waiting for replies and return visits.  I plan to catch that up today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:13. To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Federal agents and police detectives arrested a Connecticut man, a naturalized United States citizen from Pakistan, early Tuesday in connection with the failed Times Square car bombing, according to people briefed on the investigation.

The man, Faisal Shahzad, was believed to have recently bought the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder that was found loaded with gasoline, propane, fireworks and fertilizer in the heart of Times Square, one of the people briefed on the development said.

Mr. Shahzad was taken into custody at Kennedy Airport, apparently trying to flee, one of the people said.

I’ve been holding off on this story until I have enough reliable information to have something valid to say.

From Think Progress: Last week, the Florida State Senate passed an anti-choice abortion measure that requires women seeking an abortion to first pay for an ultrasound out of pocket and “in most cases, view live images of the fetus.” During the floor debate on the amendment, GOP Senator Michael Bennett got caught looking at pornography on his government issued computer.

GOP ‘family values’ hypocrisy never ebbs, but what’s the big deal here?  Anything that distracts Republicans from screwing up the country has to be a plus for America.

From Red State Update: The boys are upset that the Gulf is getting more attention than Tennessee.


What’s up for this week?


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/4/2010”

  1. I do love those guys from Red State.

    The asshole that tried to blow up Times Square had a one way ticket to Pakistan when he was arrested at Kennedy. Where’s TSA and Homeland Security on this? Frisking old ladies and not letting people with a ice pack strapped to them (yes, that would be me) being interrogated like I’m a terrorist. Assholes.

    • I gave TSA a C, only because they did find the guy, ableit at the last possible moment. I think they are still bogged down with Bush era appointees at the lower levels. The GOP blocking two nominees to head the TSA has not helped.

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