Every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, every week they push the envelope on just how Asinine InsaniTEA can become. I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.
…Heartless GOPer: Just because children are being murdered, doesn’t mean we should not deport them.
Remember compassionate conservatism? Neither do we. Probably because it never materialized.
Certainly, House Republican Robert Pittenger of North Carolina never got the memo on that compassion thing. He is very concerned about the unaccompanied minors flooding the U.S./Mexico border (if by concerned you mean he wants to get rid of them at all costs). To be fair, he’s not just picking on those kids; he told constituents at a reportedly all-white town hall meeting this week that he’d also like to have DREAMers, or children of undocumented immigrants raised here, deported.
ThinkProgress asked Pittenger if the deportations of the unaccompanied minors should continue in light of reports that some of the children have been killed upon returning to their country. Yes, he said, the deportations should continue.
“Do you want to open up America’s doors to the entire world?" he said. "We have to be sensible about what our system can manage. So you put them on planes and you send them back.”
It’s the compassionate, conservative way…
Inserted from <AlterNet>
Behold the love of Republican Supply-sided Jesus (the exact opposite of the real Jesus)! This was just one of seven asinine Republican moments from last week alone. Click through for the other six.
Get Out The Vote!!
10 Responses to “Last Week’s Asinine Republican Moments”
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Oh good grief – I shouldn't have done it but I did – I clicked through to the other asinine, insane and inhuman things the repugs have been up too this week – some of them I had heard of (like that vile apology for a human being Pat Robertson) and 'you remember if you've been raped' CeeLo Green – and another one – but please excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom to be ill now…. how can anyone follow these people?!!
Well, of course they should be deported – because we know all those 5 and 6 y/o kids are coming here just for the great employment opportunities!
Forget the dangers of rape, forced sex trade and even murder – it's the JOBS those little tykes are after.
Well, then again there was that Rethuglican contigent that visited Honduras – but didn't venture out of their hotel because of the danger:
Well, of course those "Family Value" Rethuglicans didn't venture out of the hotel very often – they had no idea what the local custom was for when the hookers would be working.
2. Which is the one of the two who is in the contest? They both sound like front runners to me.
3. Republicans are all into taking personal responsibility (just ask them.) One thing you have to take personal responsibility for if you are going to be a Christian is that YOU killed Jesus. Not "the Jews," not "the Romans," but YOU. If you don't get that. you don't get it.
4. !@#$%^&*()<>
6. "Deport" is not even the right word under the law for what we are doing. and I wish some one would come up with a better word. Deport means to legally send someone who is determined to be an illegal alien to another country. These children who have arrived and continue to arrive, claim refugee status. That means under the law that BUSH signed, each and every one of the is legally entitled to a HEARING to determine whether that status is warranted. Only after a hearing has determined it is not warranted can we deport. Please don't tell me every child we are kicking out has had a hearing which determined he or she was not entitled to refugee status. Had we created enough judges to do that this fast we would not have unemployment.
7. Someone needs to tell Louie Gohmert he has just crafted an excellemnt argumet in favor of bilingual education
Nameless – You're cute when you're angry – and I really do mean that as a compliment.
Why, thank you!
1 > CeeLo Green apologized for his insane tweets because Bravo dropped his upcoming show. so many peopl signed a petition against his new show on Bravo that they had to drop him or risk losing viewers. Petitions DO work.
2 > It seems that the head Duck has adopted the philosophy of the extreme Jihadists – "Convert or be killed". How Christ-like is that? Oops! Sorry. It's Supply side Jesus talking.
3 > Kevin Sorbo is not smarter than a 5th Grader!
4 > He needs the money more that she and her husband do. So, keep on sending it in.
5 > I want to now if God talked to them and said what He wants women to be.
6 > Pittennger would have thought it was humane to keep the concentration camps open too bcause it provided the Jews and Gypsys 3 hots and a cot.
7 > When I was in school, immigrants came to our school all the time and spoke no English. They all learned and became citizens and our schools were great teaching institutions.
How and why do they keep asking the duck duckies anything at all about anything??? He always sticks both feet in his mouth every time he opens it!
Ceelo’s IQ is about as much as his shoe size!
Old Kevin used to be a hunk! Now he is a hunk of blathering idiocies!!!
The rest are just too much trouble to even bother with!
Just do this one thing!!!! VOTE IN NOVEMBER!! And if so inclined, VOTE BLUE!!
I'm just shocked Pittenger didn't at least offer a the depotees a carton of cigarettes & a 22 automatic to take "home" – just to be safe..;)
I had read all of them but Gohmert's all ready. these people don't seem to have any common sense, compassion, or with certainty, Christianity. It boggles my mind at how many other wise sensible people can listen to this drivel without being ill.
Thanks all, and amen to all the above.
This demented riff-raff cannot be allowed to take control, not even for 1 day!