Apr 262010

One of the GOP’s premiere hypocrites has been acting out a big victim stance over her computer being hacked.

palin-computer Sarah Palin took the stand Friday in the trial of Former University of Tennessee student David Kernell. Kernell is charged with hacking Palin’s Yahoo! e-mail account while Palin campaigned in the 2008 presidential campaign.

Kernell is facing 50 years in prison over this incident. He would be 72 years old when he gets out of prison. According to the Anchorage Daily News, Palin was asked if she thought the charges against Kernell were excessive:

Palin said, "I don’t know, but I do think there should be consequences for bad behavior."

Hmmm…consequences for BAD BEHAVIOR???

This coming from the Quitter Governor of Alaska who:

  • used state resources to relentlessly pursue a family vendetta
  • took per diem as governor while sleeping in her own bed
  • took her kids at state expense on official State of Alaska business trips
  • lashed out at socialized "death panel" health care while her family was covered by socialized "death panel" health care
  • enjoyed socialized health care in Canada when she growing up and needed it
  • has health care provided to her grandson through Indian Health Services
  • advocates abstinence when it never worked for her own family
  • family members ignored subpoenas and were found in contempt

and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on….


But…the pinnacle of Palin’s hypocrisy might just be with this trial. "…I do think there should be consequences for bad behavior." Really? What about hers? How about Sarah Palin’s hacking into another state employees’ computer back in 2004? If hacking into someone’s computer is "bad behavior," what were her consequences?

Sarah Palin hacked Randy Ruedrich’s computer to find some dirt on him… [emphasis added]


Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Lest I be accused of diverting, a thinking error to which I have attributed right wing comments on other blogs, let me say that what Kernell allegedly did was wrong.  I agree with Palin that there should be consequences for bad behavior.  If convicted, he deserves a standard sentence, not inflated over Palin’s notoriety.

However, what’s good for the gooseolini is good for the Mooseolini.  Should there not be consequences for her bad behavior as well?


  24 Responses to “What’s Good for the Gooseolini”

  1. There ya go again pic’in on this women who only wants to make our nation better. It’s all about accountability ya know.

    Why does it take a blogger to point this out?

    Never mind-I know that answer.

    This person should have been flushed down the shitter a long time ago but no this country loves the reality of the stupid.

    • I can answer for this blogger. I call it as I see it. If I think Democrats are wrong, I say so. It’s about truth. Good politics must serve the truth.

  2. There should be a jail term for stupid and tundra twat should be serving it – life. Oh wait, she already is. Her’s is coming; karma is a bitch.

  3. I say 50 years without parole for the lying little prima donna and 50 weeks community service for Kernell.

  4. So far in My Life there has been a Teflon King……Reagan

    And Now a Teflon Queen………….Palin

    I hate Teflon……….

  5. Where did all the investigative reporters go?

  6. If hypocrisy were in the Guinness book, you’d probably see Palin’s picture on that page.

  7. Good post TC.
    Someone posted a comment @ MMA on Holte’s article over her 12million$ scooping since her nomination. No one ever addressed those points he made and each one of them were rebuked / debunked either at Mudflats or by Shyannan on Countdown… this woman is a major hypocrite getting away with publissicide! (that would be PR fraud! Abuse of the public…. etc.) People in this country are convinced her lies are true (jesus, that the GOP’s lies are true!) and that she has a brain. Woman could not even keep up grades to stay in one school … she collected credits to pick up a diploma… though, I admit, that shouldn’t be held up … she isn’t smart… she’s cunning. She hold no integrity, she just allies with whatever / whoever promotes her pathway towards $ and publicity… and finally… I’m so sick of seeing and hearing about her.. Gee.

  8. She has one ambition, to be a billionaire, it takes a lot of work, and people have to be trampled on, because that is her talent. She has no other marketable skills.

  9. She’s the Leona Helmsley of the political world. Ruthless, cruel and all out for herself.

  10. This quivering queef is learning how to play the game, and she is learning fast. She is the President of the Right, the Howling Horror of Fox News, and a pox on all of us. Sighh…

  11. I’m surprised they didn’t just find moose shit and dead political opponents in her closet…

  12. We know the real lesson here. As we’ve learned from Bush/Cheney, it’s not wrong if Reublicans do it.

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