Oregon Polluted!

 Posted by at 2:59 am  Politics
Apr 262010

Smog?  Worse!  Oil Spill?  Even worse!  Teabuggery?  Yep! 🙁

palin On Friday night, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin “stormed” into Oregon for a speech at the Lane County Republican’s Lincoln Dinner. She called on the crowd to help elect more Republicans, joked about speaking in such a liberal state, and hit the “lame-stream media”:

During a question and answer session, Eugene City Councilwoman Jennifer Solomon read a pre-screened question from the audience about her role at Fox News. Palin said she was proud to be a part of Fox News for being “fair and balanced.”

She also praised Fox host Glenn Beck and said with “his chalkboard technique he’s changing our country.”

Journalists who covered Friday’s speech were subject to strict restrictions from the Palin camp. No cameras or recording devices of any kind were allowed and reporters were only allowed to watch the speech on a video feed in an adjacent room.

… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

I didn’t know she was coming, and if I had it’s too far to go heckle without a car.  No wonder my kashit detector kept going off.  The environmental cleanup could be massive.


  8 Responses to “Oregon Polluted!”

  1. See my comment on the last thread. Great pic – she looks totally smashed in that pic!

  2. ditto Lisa… see today’s other comment. Gee. I’ll just cuss if I really keep typing……

  3. Oh, I knew. Made be nauseous for a week. Worse, we live only three or four miles away from the Hilton. Fortunately, we’re upwind.

    A so-called “poll” in the Register Guard had 65% for Palin. Of course, everybody who isn’t for Palin were gagging too hard to answer the poll.

    • Poor Marva!! You were right in the VS zone!!

      Doesn’t the Register Guard cone down a little to the right of Gengis Khan?

  4. Sarah Palin in Oregon — so that’s where all the methane was coming from.

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