Apr 202014

I’m writing for tomorrow, and my COPD is flaring up, but the time being what it is, you get your annual visit from the Easter Cat. 😉

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:42 (average 5:17).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: Before you go all, "But it’s their money!" I have one thing to say: This country’s entire infrastructure is what enabled these people to make the money they are now hiding away in other countries to avoid paying taxes on it.


How about a 120% penalty for offshoring?

From Daily Kos:

Let’s superimpose that Karl Rove polling from earlier today with the amount of money the Kochs have spent in those states. The number in parenthesis is the trendline from earlier this year.

Pryor 39 (36)
Cotton 39 (42)

Mark Pryor’s numbers went up, Cotton’s went down, and this is now the sixth poll in a row that doesn’t show Republicans winning a seat they’ve already pencilled in as their own.

That rise in Pryor’s numbers, in Rove’s own polling, comes despite $2 million (and counting) spent by the Kochs.

Udall 45 (45)
Gardner 43 (44)

Mark Udall has kept steady despite at least $2 million in Koch attack ads (first buy, second buy).

They can’t claim Democratic bias in polls from Rove Rat. Click through for more examples.

From Right Wing Watch: Channeling Mike Huckabee, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah [World Nut Daily delinked] writes today that liberalism inevitably leads to “the end of freedom” and “death on a massive scale.”

Farah writes that he once “swam in the cesspool” of the progressive movement, and knows how it “works and why it is such an effective weapon of intimidation and coercion.”

He goes on to warn that universities have “indoctrinated” students into a “venomous, anti-American and anti-liberty ideology,” arguing that academia is “redefining right and wrong” in order to “achieve a totalitarian state” akin to Nazi Germany, Pol Pot’s Cambodia and North Korea.

If there was ever a case of projection, this is it!




  18 Responses to “Open Thread–4/20/2014”

  1. 120% penalty is good but  I suggest we round it off – to 200%

  2. Time 2:21 – that may be my fastest time, knowing where everything must go helps!

    Many in this country are now in a love affair with hating the poor.  It's so sick and twisted that just writing that makes me feel queasy.  If they would realize that these corporations and super wealthy are not paying their fair share to support this country, maybe they could hate those who use the off shore tax havens and give some love to those who have so much less.  

    This anger toward universities calling them a haven for indoctrination of liberal ideas is not new.  In fact, it's been used over and over, this should make one wonder why the right can not come up with new ideas.  Universities offer education, that opens minds and in turn opens hearts.  The only thing wrong with education right now is constant meddling by politicians and artificial increase in costs.
    One of the reasons the US became the strongest most advanced leader in science is because of the number of well educated our universities turn out for so many years.  Uneducated and unskilled people do not lead the charge for the future.

    Happy Easter, TC and all.  Have a warm and wonderful day.  

    • Noth that when their version of Republicans took over Cambodia, the first thing they did was to kill all the educated people.

  3. 6:19  "Cat lookdown" – Many people think looking down (on people) is one of the things cats do best.  But you, TC don't look down on anyone – well, except maybe Republicans – and they are hardly people in the full sense.

    Upworthy – So if I live in Colorado and I pay less than $1361 in Federal and State taxes, due to low income, then my neighbors are actually paying more than that for corporations.  Ouch.  You and Arielle are right.  200% is not too much, below 120% is definitely too little.  I noticed the top states too.  Wyoming is Dick Cheney (and his crowd), North Dakota is Craig Cobb (and his crowd), everything costs more in New York so numbers are generally bigger.  Connecticut surprises me, and Delaware surprises me by being so low, since many corporations incorporate there because the tax laws are favorable for incorporation, but never set foot in the state.

    Daily Kos – This is a great sign but it needs to be translated into getting out the vote.  I know everyone here is helping to the best of his or her ability.

    Right Wing Watch – Projection it is.  What really demonstrates that is voting turnout figures.  If we were "intimidating and coercing" voters to turn out, we would win every blessed time.  (We do want to curtail some people's freedom, but only the freedom to appress, abuse, and steal from others.)

    Cartoon – So true, although I have never seen a Republican who is that cute.  Or innocent-looking.

  4. OK, I just stopped in to say hello.  I have the "bug" that the kids have had.  I have never felt so wretched!  My brother got it 2 days ago, my SIL yesterday afternoon, and me last night.  Nasty, nasty!  I just wish someone would kill me, I feel so bad!  See you.  Take care!

  5. De ja Vood Doo "universities have “indoctrinated” students into a “venomous, anti-American and anti-liberty ideology,” arguing that academia is “redefining right and wrong” – sounds like the 60's & 70's all over again! GOOD! Because "we" Thought we'd achieved our goals (ended Vietnam, passed Roe v. Wade, Medicaire, etc, etc…) only to find out Reagan couldn't force a WWIII, but Reaganomics could bankrupt Russia AND America! And the ERA wasn't necessary, until it WAS necessary! The poor are soon to be Soylant Green if we don't stop RepubliCONizing America!

  6. I hope your copd is better by now.

    Upworthy:  It is their money, but the taxes are our money and there should be a penalty for those that use off shore tax havens. If those people paid their proper taxes there would be money for infrastructure. I have said this before, my 85 year old mom pays a higher tax rate than Mitt Romney.  She lives onSocial Security and a small pension. That  is disgusting.

    Daily Kos:  I hope the Kochs keep throwing their money away.  The more successful the ACA is the less they will call it Obamacare because they don't want him to be successful at anything.  

    RightWingWatch:  I have a friend who very misguidedly joined the tea party.  He sends me these posts all the time and we have lively discussions. We have been friends since we were 12 so we never argue, but I just don't see how an intelligent person could believe this crap.  I was indoctrinated at the University of Kentucky way back in the sixties when I read Coal Comes to the Cumberlands by Harry Caudill.  I knew my grandfathers had fought for a union and won, but did not realize how the coal companies had further exploited our region until I read that book.  I am so glad I had an English prof hw made us read it.

    Cartoon: They would if they could.  Oreo thanks you for posting his pic.  


  7. I hesar you Edie.  I had an English Teacher in the 8th Grade, who assigned The Ugly American.  That opened my mind to the notion that everything is not always what it appears to be and taught me to dig below the surface.

  8. 3:10  I took a little cat nap along the way.

  9. 4:13 – Puzzle… 😆

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