Jan 252014

I’ve returned from Salem, and am completely exhausted, because I hardly slept, while I was gone.  The Motel 6 was a disaster.  The heat had two levels, full blast and off.  Even when the room was sweltering, the bathroom was frigid.  The bed was uncomfortable.  The shower had less pressure than I could produce with a six pack.  My upstairs neighbor stomped all night.  Strangers knocked on the door in the middle of the night.  Never again.  My guys, on the other hand, were amazing, and we had very productive planning sessions.  I have done no research and had no time to make a cartoon, so today’s contribution is only this and the puzzle.  Tomorrow, I should have at least an Open Thread.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:43 (average 4:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


  12 Responses to “Personal Update–1/25/2014”

  1. Update ~ Are you sure you didn't stay at the motel from Psycho?

  2. 4:00 Even though you're tired, I can't catch you.

    • 3:26  Woof!  Woof!  I was being chased by a cat!  

      • 3:23  Me too, but we are ahead of the cat.

        • Of course!  I was afraid that that cat would catch me so I kept running fast!  Me being a little girl puddy tat, you'd think I would not be afraid of a big puddy tat, but that dog I was with sure was!

          Besides, I had to practice for the 2014 Alzheimer's Walk for Memories.  I am going to attempt that tomorrow, at least the short one.  I have raised $1,000 for it.  With my recent back,tail bone, and back problems, I probably cannot do the whole 5 km without a lot of pain.

  3. 4:17  Looks like a Corgi mix.

    Motel 6 sets the bar low, but I didn't realize it was THAT low.  So sorry!  But at least the home you are now in is an improvement, as opposed to the previous place.

  4. My upstairs neighbor stomped all night.

    Must remind you of your escape from the old place… πŸ˜†

    4:22 –

  5. A lot of hotels and motels are just horrible these days.  I have never stayed at a Motel 6, and now I know I won't.  Get some rest, you deserve it.

  6. Thsnks everyone.

    Kudos snd prayers for Lynn.

    Beating the cat in this condition should be easy pickins.

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