Jan 182014

Early this morning as I was preparing to upload today’s articles, I has a computer glitch for reasons unknown, that completely trashed my system.  I’ve been up all night fixing it.  Because I make frequent backups, I was able to restore almost everything, but among the losses were today’s cartoon, today’s articles, and all the research I did to create those articles.  Therefore, I apologize that all I have for you is the puzzle.  In a word, ARGH!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 6:08 (average 6:21).  To do it click here.  How did you do?


  9 Responses to “Personal Update–1/18/2014”

  1. 4:41 This old wooden wheel is in much better shape than my healing left wheel right now.

  2. 6:03  Better shape than my left shoulder, too, not that that's difficult.

    Back when PCs were very new and DH and I were trying to learn about them, he had a glitch and lost all his work, and of course was taking it personally.  I tried to explain to him that it wasn't a personal thing at all, that it happened inevitably to everyone, and I recall using an expression like "the first time just means you're no longer a virgin," which cracked him up.  Maybe it will give you a tiny chuckle.

  3. 5:00 . . . better than my back too!  Aren't we a bunch!  I'm sitting at my desktop which is now set up at a table in my motel room so it is too high and my hand goes to sleep very quickly.  I'll be glad when renos are done!


    I have lost data many times and it burns my butt!  Are you sure it wasn't a Republicanus/Teabagger plot to try to silence the best progressive blogger ever?!

  4. Well I guess Tom I will finally check out the jigsaw.  Boy Oh Boy saving data that you spend alot of time on is important.  It's the data i forget to save gets my goat.

  5. ~~ I apologize that all I have for you is the puzzle.

    Hope you were able to fix TC, thanks for the puzzle… 😆


  6. aaaaaaaaaa It is frustrating when that happens

  7. Don't you just hate it when that happens? Persevere, my friend.

  8. Thanks everyone.  I'm way pooped.

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