Apr 172010

Not too long ago, I remember reading that the Young Eagles, those 45 and under GOP stalwarts, who expressed their GOP family values at a lesbian bondage club at donor expense, were also slated for a field trip to Xe, the new name for Blackwater.  Did Steele plan to have the schooled in the use of an AK-47?

Blackwater The former president of Blackwater Worldwide and four other former officials at the embattled security firm were indicted Friday on federal weapons charges, partially the result of a raid two years ago by agents that rounded up 22 weapons, including AK-47s.

The indictment issued Friday charges Gary Jackson, who left the company last year in a management shakeup, along with four other former workers. The charges against Jackson include a conspiracy to violate firearms laws, false statements and possession of an unregistered firearm.

Also indicted were former general counsel Andrew Howell, former executive vice president Bill Mathews, Ana Bundy, who at one point had oversight of the firm’s armory, and Ronald Slezak, who was hired to oversee documents related to the company’s status as a firearms dealer.

The charges open a new front of the government’s oversight of the sullied security company. Several of the company’s contractors have previously been charged with federal crimes for their actions in war zones, but the company’s executives have so far weathered a range of investigations.

Around the time that Jackson left the company, Blackwater changed its name to Xe Services.

The company has been trying to rehabilitate its image since a 2007 shooting in Baghdad left 17 people dead, outraged the Iraqi government and led to a federal charges against several Blackwater guards — accusations later thrown out of court after a judge found prosecutors mishandled evidence.

The latest case stems from a raid conducted by federal agents in 2008 that seized 22 weapons, including 17 AK-47s. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <AP/Yahoo>

These are the same thugs that the Bush/GOP regime unleashed on the city of New Orleans.  But the Obama administration also bears some accountability here.  Why is this Republican private militia, with a track record of fraud, murder, and now, hoarding illegal weapons still employed at taxpayer expense?


  3 Responses to “Blackwater: Is the GOP SS a Militia Now?”

  1. This is another company I want to see destroyed. They should be out of all our war zones because of their blatent corruption and lack of accountability, not to mention the shooting of civilians. Let other countries use these thugs, but we should be above this kind of private militia that’s not accountable to anyone.

  2. “Why is this Republican private militia, with a track record of fraud, murder, and now, hoarding illegal weapons still employed at taxpayer expense?”

    Good question. In other words, where are those thrifty “deficit hawk” Republicans when we need them?

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