Nov 092013

I’m writing for tomorrow and am still down and continuing in minimum part-time mode.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:53 (average 7:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: I found this article on The National Memo about a speech given by Wendy Davis.

Apparently, she dared to give her definition of what it means to be "pro-life":

“I am pro-life,” she told a University of Texas at Brownsville crowd on Tuesday. “I care about the life of every child: every child that goes to bed hungry, every child that goes to bed without a proper education, every child that goes to bed without being able to be a part of the Texas dream, every woman and man who worry about their children’s future and their ability to provide for that future. I care about life and I have a record of fighting for people above all else.”

“This isn’t about protecting abortion,” Davis explained in the same appearance. “It’s about protecting women. It’s about trusting women to make good decisions for themselves and empowering them with the tools to do that.”

Republicans, on the other hand, are pro-death.

From NY Times: The Food and Drug Administration proposed measures on Thursday that would all but eliminate artery-clogging, artificial trans fats from the food supply, the culmination of three decades of effort by public health advocates to get the government to take action against them.

Artificial trans fats — a major contributor to heart disease in the United States — have already been substantially reduced in foods. But they still lurk in many popular products, like frostings, microwave popcorn, packaged pies, frozen pizzas, margarines and coffee creamers. Banning them completely could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths from heart disease each year, the F.D.A. said.

I’m expecting a Republican counter-proposal banning all natural fats and allowing only corporate trans fats, with a special tax break for ones loaded with GMOs.

From TPM: Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said Friday that he can’t evaluate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) policies because the governor won’t agree to appear on his show.

“He won’t submit to an interview with me,” O’Reilly said on “CBS This Morning,” as quoted by Politico. “Christie will not. He just won’t do it. So I can’t tell you policy-wise how versed he is because I’ve never seen him under that spotlight.

I trust I don’t have to tell you that I am NOT, a Chris Christy fan, especially since he is disappearing Sandy relief money, holding out on thousands of flood victims, who really need it. Nevertheless, when a Republican I dislike does something right, I admit it. Snubbing O’Lielly is ALWAYS a good choice.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–11/9/2013”

  1. 5:17 I,m driving that old VW rather slowly today.

  2. Daily Kos ~ Wonderful definition of what Pro-Life really is. The Republicans and Tea-Buggers should just be honest for a change,and call themselves Anti-Abortionists instead of putting a positive spin on it and calling themselves something they are not.

    NY Times ~ I was pleased to hear this news yesterday and hope it happens. I am afraid  the Republicans might offer a counter-proposal like you suggested because banning trans-fats would hurt their friends' fat pocketbooks.

    TPM ~ Bill O thinks he is the Be-All and End-All of the American political machine. How dare Chris Christie refuse an interview with the Great Liar!

    Cartoon ~ Loathsome line-up of liars.


  3. "I’m expecting a Republican counter-proposal banning all natural fats and allowing only corporate trans fats, with a special tax break for ones loaded with GMOs." – oh dear TC, don't say that – you are usually right when you predict what politicians are going to do!  Argh!

    Sorry you are still sick – am still praying for you!

  4. Puzzle — 5:07 on a 9:28 average.  This one must be giving a lot of people some grief!

    Daily Kos — Wendy Davis exposes the incongruity of the Republicanus/Teabagger's "pro life" stance.  Life can be a bitch when it rises up and bites the asses that try to deny it!

    NY Times — Good on the FDA!

    "That means companies would have to prove that such oils are safe to eat, a high hurdle given that scientific literature overwhelmingly shows the contrary. "

    I can see the Washington Weenies arguing that people should have the choice as to whether they consume articial transfats.  Never mind that such things place a burden on healthcare.  Isn't it interesting that a "pro choice" is all in the context.

    TPM — If I were Christie, I wouldn't want to be associated in any way with O'Liely, the pompous ass that thinks he has something of worth to impart.  O'Liely is not well versed policy-wise . . . opinionated yes, accurate no. Just another Republicanus/Teabagger propaganda myth maker.

    Cartoon — The "Four Stooges" from a party that specialises in stooges!

  5. My puzzle time will continue to remain unmentioned (and unmentionable – sad, my spatial orientation used to be reasonably good)

    Marva and I spent a great early afternoon at a fundraiser for Jeff Merkley. As event sponsors, we got a little extra face time with him. Senator Merkley is one of the good guys, and we need to give him every bit of support we possibly can. In his own words, he's managed to infuriate pretty much every special interest group in Washington, which, in my opinion, is a very good measure of his success. He's a keeper.

    Nice thing about the Oregon politicians we have met, they are approachable, if you ask them a question they will give you a thoughtful answer, and the BS is kept to a minimum.

    For the football fans, too bad about the Ducks, but after all is said and done, it's still only a game.

  6. ~ 8:01

     I care about life and I have a record of fighting for people above all else.”

    Wendy Davis will hopefully be the next Governor of Texas… ❗

    Republicans, on the other hand, are pro-death.


  7. Daily Kos:Republicans are only pro-life until that life needs to be fed, clothed, and educated, then it is on its own.  I am sickened at the cuts made to SNAP, leaving more people in need of food.

    NY Times:  I hope the measure is approved.   We have to wait to see how powerful the companies are who use transfats in their foods.

    TPM:  I am not a big Christie fan, either, but he showed good sense by not talking to O'Reilly.

    Cartoon:  Is there any way to get these four deported?

  8. Thanks everyone.  Slightly improved, but still down.


    Kudos to John and Marva.

  9. 5:58 (and the average is up)

    Love Wendy!  We all need to jump on this reframing and wrest the "pro-life" spin away from them.

    Trans fats – I have strong doubts about the FDA ever being able to make this stick.

    Don't let me start on Christie.  He is as big a bully as O'Reilly though.  A match should be something to see.  Oh, wait, Christie primarily bullies women.  Never mind.

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