Nov 042013

C & L had an interesting piece this morning about how Bill Moyers described ObamaCare. the extent of Republican opposition to it, the lengths to which Republicans have gone in their attempts to, repeal, defund, delay, change and interfere with it in every possible way.  He goes further than that.


After Republicans spent their time during last week’s hearings demanding apologies for the problems with the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, Bill Moyers asked if it would be "fair to expect just a morsel of apology from the right as well?" I wouldn’t be holding my breath for one any time soon: Bill Moyers Essay: Obamacare: The Right Wing’s Alamo…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>


Moyers is right. The problems in ObamaCare could have been avoidable with a Public Option, but it was Republicans (and very few DINOS) that prevented the Public Option in the first place. Moyers says Republicans owe America an apology. I disagree. Republicans owe America dozens of apologies.


  22 Responses to “Moyers: ObamaCare is the Republican Alamo”

  1. OK..a reply…Yes, Alamo…but…now they can hold these stupid hearing, a double pay off….GOP can beat up on the ACA some more and  take up time so they don't have to actually work!!! You know…like pass a Jobs Bill ..or…Immigration Reform..

    • Karen, they can do it, because they have a majotity in the House.  They appoint theCommittee Chairs, set the agendas and decidse what comes tgo the floor and what doesn't.  That's why even a DINO is better that a Republican, because we need a majority in the House to do these things.

  2. Ah, yes the ACA is a fire worthy of stoking, that is if your a republican looking something, anything to use as a fire.  I think this is much ado about nothing.  The insurance does not kick in until January, the web-site will function, the phones are functioning. 

  3. Bill Moyers – Isn't it fair to also expect a tiny bit of remorse, an apology?

    If Obamacare = Alamo, the Alamo is going down… πŸ™„

  4. So very much time spent discussing the web site and so little time spent discussing what the ACA will actually do – too many willing to criticize Obama for every little thing and not enough willing to give him credit for actually caring about the majority of people.  Darn right the GOP owes some apologies…. like maybe 24 billion of them.

  5. The defenders of the Alamo lost. I believe every single one of them died. Republicans have lost, which does not mean Republicans cannot repeal the law (ACA) given they win a big enough majority. Hopefully this negativity against Republicans will show itself in the next few elections.

  6. Bill Moyers usually is very realistic in his essays, but, if he expects an apology or any remorse from the Republicans, he has his head in the clouds on this issue.  He must have been speaking "tongue in cheek" this time.

  7. Another way the ACA is the Republicans' Alamo is they are going to be yelling "Remember the ACA!" every 15 seconds for the next hundred years, long after it has been replaced by single payer.

  8. The RepubliCONs owe Americans a helluva lot more than apologies – they owe us Life, Liberty, & the pursuit of happiness! They continue to deny ALL three – Especially to Women, Children, Minorities, Gays, Athiests, Veterans, the Disabled, the Elderly…etc.,etc.,etc. Why ANYONE who is NOT rich, white, & male would EVER vote RepubliCON escapes me..:(


  9. Some Republicans owe America life in prison.

  10. Because of Moyers' reference to the Alamo, I had to do a little reading as the Alamo was not part of my American history lessons . . . what would you expect in a Canadian school?

    Given that the Alamo was the defeat of the Texians by Mexican forces under Santa Anna in 1836, I can certainly support Moyers' premise that ObamaCare is the Republican Alamo.  What would be equally good is that Republicanus/Teabaggers never get to cry "Remember the Alamo!".

    "REP. JOHN BOEHNER:: ObamaCare is bad for America. We’re going to do everything we can to make sure that it never happens."

    The public option or single payer or universal healthcare, whatever one chooses to call it, would be preferable to Obamacare, but that is not the reality.  Obamacare is a start with universal healthcare the goal.

    As far as apologies, the Washington Weenies owe so many apologies — government shutdown X2, debt ceiling debacle X2, war on women, war on the poor, war on healthcare, war on the LGBT community, war on climate change, etc etc ad nauseam — they can't ever hope to make them all during the legislative days remaining, even if they were so inclined, before the 2016 election given how infrequently they actually conduct the country's business.

  11. How I love Bill Moyers!  BTW – don't the GOP/TP owe America a whole raft of apologies for shutting the country down and costing it 25 billion dollars?  Don't they owe America a raft of apologies for wasting money on constant voting to try and vote down 'Obamacare'?  Don't they owe America a raft  of apologies for concentrating on sabotaging President Obama and stalling everything in government and never representing the people who elected them?

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