Apr 132010

It amazes me that anyone even believes this SOB.

Boner Repealing healthcare reform will be Republicans’ "No. 1 priority," their House leader said Monday.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said that repealing the healthcare legislation passed in Congress last month and signed into law by President Barack Obama would be the GOP’s top priority if it wins back control of Congress this fall.

"They got everything else in the entire bureaucracy that they need to control our healthcare system … with the signing of this bill," Boehner said during an interview on WFLA’s "Bud Hedinger Show." [GOP delinked] "That’s why repealing this bill has to be our No. 1 priority."

Republicans have talked up a strategy of "repeal and replace" in the weeks since health reform became law, promising to act to repeal swaths of the new law, and replace them with reforms for which the GOP had pushed throughout the healthcare debate… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Hill>

To overcome Obama’s veto would require a 2/3 majority in both the House and Senate.  Even in Limpy’s least flaccid wet dream. that won’t happen.  You decide: is he a lair or a fool?


  4 Responses to “John ‘Limp’ Boehner Is Full of It”

  1. Both. Boner could not get his way even if the Blue Dogs vote with him. Good luck asshole!

    • Lisa, be careful or the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Assholes) will get you. If too many assholes learn that they have been compared to Limpy and close up in protest, the consequences could be quite crappy.

  2. You beat me to this one, but I like my graphic better 🙂

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