Oct 022013

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 110, and it’s a two pounds of you know what in a one pound bag day.  When the Monthly Report is the #2 for the day, that say’s it all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:29 (average 5:27).  ARGH! Sad smile To o it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from our league, Lefty Blog Friends.



Good for me!



I’m still way too low!!

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Millions of Tea Party loyalists fled the United States in the early morning hours today, seeking what one of them called “the American dream of liberty from health care.”

Harland Dorrinson, 47, a tire salesman from Lexington, Kentucky, packed up his family and whatever belongings he could fit into his Chevy Suburban just hours before the health-insurance exchanges opened, joining the Tea Party’s Freedom Caravan with one goal in mind: escape from Obamacare.

“My father didn’t have health care and neither did my father’s father before him,” he said. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to let my children have it.”

But after driving over ten hours to the Canadian border, Mr. Dorrinson was dismayed to learn that America’s northern neighbor had been in the iron grip of health care for decades.

Bubba the Bagger just can’t live without the RepubliCare Death Benefit! 😉

From McClatchy DC: President Obama will deliver remarks from the Rose Garden at 12:25 p.m. today — some 12 hours after a government shutdown went into effect. The remarks will follow Obama’s meeting in the Oval Office with Americans the White House says will benefit from today’s opening of health insurance marketplaces.

The White House plans a full court press today on the president’s health care law as the health insurance marketplaces open for business.

Repeated Republican claims that ObamaCare is a bill are lies. It is THE LAW! Delaying it is no longer possible.

From The Hill: Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said via Twitter Tuesday that the partial government shutdown isn’t all bad.

“There is some good news out of the shutdown, the EPA can’t issue new regulations,” Blackburn said on the social media site.

Blackburn, the vice chairwoman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which oversees the EPA.

This the Republican plan to protect the environment.




  22 Responses to “Open Thread–10/2/2013”

  1. LOVE the New Yorker article – really apt!  The Hill's article makes me wonder just who appoints people to these important govt committees!  BTW – I assume that though other people's salaries will be stopped, the ones who have thrown their toys out of the pram, ie Congress's GOP/TP will still get theirs?  Thought so!

    • Pat, in the House, the Republican leadership appoint the committee and sub-comittee chairs, because they have a majority there.

  2. I think I see Capt. Boehner at the helm of that floundering ship.

    The problem our country faces is that he believes it's the ship's obligation to go down with its Captain.

  3. 3:17 Speeding around Barneveld on my little Italian Scooter. I wish!

    • 3:07  I'm not speeding anywhere as it is too wet, but I am enjoying the memories of the wind in my hair (what hair there is!) this past summer.

      • 3:23  I went to jump on the scooter and it was gone.  All I saw was Lynn speeding off in the distance.  Don't let her tell you otherwise.

        • GThe last time I was on a scooter was almost 50 years ago in Bermuda.  I rubbernecked to oogle a cutie and ended up off the road, down the hill, and in a rose garden with big thorns.  This time I did almost that well.

  4. ~ 4:51

    Yeah TomCat Tea Bag Trashers

    I recall Rush Limbaugh didn't want Health Care Reform and claimed he would move if it were to become law… I recommended Costa Rica… 🙂

    • Excellent time Richard!  Well under the average!  You've been speeding on your Italian Scooter again!

    • I told me that sooner or later you would beat me.  You did!!  Congrats!! 🙁  😉


      I recommend Andromeda!

  5. Puzzle — 3:07  I'm not speeding anywhere as it is too wet, but I am enjoying the memories of the wind in my hair (what hair there is!) this past summer.

    The New Yorker — I remember shortly after joining Care2, there were many people talking about leaving the US and going to Canada to avoid Obamacare.  I commented more than once that Canada had universal healthcare and had had since 1957 with the passage of the  Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act.  I was amazed that Americans knew so little about Canada, but no more.  Too many Americans don`t know enough about their own country and don`t know enough about Obamacare.  Read about Canada`s healthcare system at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_in_Canada .  If Teabaggers, a minority group of the Republicanus party, want to forego Obamacare, that`s fine by me.  But don`t prevent the millions of others that want and need affordable medical coverage from getting it, and don`t clog the emergency rooms with your colds and hangnails.  Obamacare is NOT universal healthcare, but it is a first step.  Had Mr Obama tried to implement universal healthcare straight off in 2010, there would be no Affordable Care Act for Republicanus/Teabaggers to oppose and try to defund.  Fortunately, there is an ACA.

    Thanks AB for reminding me of the mindless sheeple that don`t and won`t understand Obamacare and universal healthcare!

    McClatchy DC — In reading another McClatchy article, apparently computer systems were slow because of the very heavy early response to signing up at the exchanges.  As word gets out from people who have signed up, this will help Mr Obama`s efforts to get the word out.  Of course, I fully expect that Republicanus/Teabaggers will say they were right that the system was not ready.  To the Republicanus/Teabaggers I say "Suck rocks!"

    I got a kick out of a comment on McClatchy: Kevin Carter

    "Republican "shutdown" AKA Republican "temper tantrum" AKA Republican "middle finger to the country" AKA Republican "Extremism First, Country Never" AKA Republican "This is what sore losing looks like" AKA Republican "We Can't Win Elections So We got nothin' else" AKA Republican "Elections Matter Only When We Win" AKA…….ah, screw it, what's the use? 

    Why do Republicans hate this country and it's citizens so much?"

    The Hill — Only a Republicanus/Teabagger could see a silk purse in a sow`s ear!

    Cartoon — The sinking of the "good ship Lollypop" aka the US government.  The Republicanus/Teabaggers torpedo the nation!  Now will all hands go down with the ship, or will the ship muster the resources to sink the Republicanus/Teabagger submarine to the bottom of the deepest ocean trench to be crushed by the pressure?  2014 midterms are coming.  Vote out ALL Republicanus/Teabaggers!

    • See above. 🙂

      But, if harper has his way, he'll transform you to Canuckistan.

      See today's #2 article.


      I'm praying and working for the latter.  Amen!

  6. Fantasy Football — I see I still have a perfect record!  Woo Hoo!!!

    • It might have helped if you'd followed my drafting advise instead of basing picks on likeing the name. A couple of your games have been damn close anyway.

    • Read the article but the video isn't available to me because I'm in Canada.  The write up is simply amazing . . . absolutely stunning that after all this time, people don't know that the ACA and Obamacare are one and the same!

    • You were only 19 seconds behind me.

      Great minds fall in the same ditch. 🙂  Hulu does not allow embedding their clips, but I had already seen part of it on MSNBC and included it in today's Open Thread, which will be up in a few minutes.

  7. Despite the New Yorker, not all Kentuckians are Bubba.  Some of us are actually educated and pay attention.  Gov. Breshear, while not always perfect, is whole heartedly supporting the AFCA. 

    Who appointed that idiot to oversee the EPA?

    The non stop Republican lies about the Affordable Care Act are the reason so many Americans are confused.  If only they could get the Prez on ET or Survivor to explain it, more Americans would understand it.  Maybe Miley Cyrus could try to do it for him.

    • You folks even have indoor plumbing, mosatly, right? 😉  However, one look at Bought Bitch Mitch indicates inbreeding may still be an issue there. 😉  Seriously, I know.  Kudos to you for pure guts!!

      Boehned, but she does not oversee the EPA.  The chairs that House Committee that oversees environmental issues.

      You mean this isn't Survivor? Dang!!  I've been watching news by mistake! 😉

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