I’m writing for tomorrow, day 103, and I’m tired, because guitar man went on a binge yesterday, making sleep impossible. I was so pooped that I fell asleep at the keyboard answering comments here, between Yvonne and Edie in the Open Thread for the 23rd. Nevertheless, I have articles for tomorrow.
Update: Last night I had bad stomach cramps, and still do. I’ll just post this for now, and catch up on comments tomorrow.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 5:54 (average 4:54). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Fantasy Football Report: Here’s the latest from our fantasy football league.
It wasn’t over ‘till the fat TomCat purrred, but TC choked on a fur ball!!
Don’t forget to set your line-ups by Thursday night if you want to start any players fro the 49ers or the Rams. Also, it’s the bye week for the Packers and the Panthers, so those players can’t be started this week.
Short Takes:
From Upworthy: Everyone has to earn a living, but some people do it in sleazier ways than others. That’s the story of American farmers and patent lawyers. Monsanto works so hard at owning the food supply, and these farmers just keep getting in the way. [Upworthy’s video was not working, so I got the original clip.]
They do a great job of illustrating how these corporate criminals are trying to corner the food market so they can stick it to YOU!
From NY Times: The nomination of a gay black Miami judge to the federal bench will not move forward after Senator Marco Rubio announced he was withdrawing his support over concerns about the judge’s actions in two criminal cases.
Judge William Thomas was nominated to the Federal District Court in Miami.
Without Mr. Rubio’s approval, Judge William Thomas’s nomination to the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Florida, in Miami, is effectively blocked. Judge Thomas, who serves on the Miami-Dade Circuit, was nominated by President Obama, with Mr. Rubio’s backing, more than 10 months ago.
Rubio is running too scared of his rabid base to keep up his pretense to be inclusive. The crime that matters to Rubin in the first case is that the judge is black, and in the second case, that the judge is gay.
From MSNBC: Inequality for All Targets Income Disparity
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
This conversation is great follow up for my earlier Short Take on Inequality for All. I’m glad Lawrence is bringing us the background.
And Republicans work overtime contradicting, misinterpreting, and lying about it!!
23 Responses to “Open Thread–9/25/2015”
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3:27 Is someone going to disturb my peaceful rest by rushing past me?
3:05 It looks like the Patty Monster from the Blue Lagoon got you.
3:11 Sorry Jerry, but the water was too inviting!
Upworthy ~ If you haven't already signed this petition against MoneySanto, please do. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/repeal-the-monsanto-protecti-1.fb31?r_by=2486598
NY Times ~ What demons possessed the saintly Marco Rubio in the first place to back a Gay, Black man? He couldn't have been in his "Right Wing-nut" mind.
MSNBC ~ Lawrence is trying to keep this in the forefront. Robert Reich speaks up for us but the people who should be listening are deaf. How many RepubliCons will watch this movie?
Cartoon ~ RepubliCons are trying to abolish all of our Rights except the Right to Bear Arms.
Thanks Patty. Don`t remember if I signed previously so I signed just in case. When you sign so many petitions, it is hard to remember them all. Thanks
Thanks Patty. Been There. Signed that. (No t-shirt).
He was pretending that the Republican Party is inclusive, probably knowing all along that he'd never allow that judge to be confirmed.
Only the ones doing oppisition research, looking for ways to lie about it.
Make that white right to bear arms.
Hope you're feeling better soon. Get some rest. It's not good to fall asleep on the computer.
Thanks Patty. I a little bit better.
Monsanto Sucks a$$.
Thank you Patty, signed and shared.
Only 20 secinds behind me?
I really want to see this one… Comes out Friday..?
I don't know. I'll see it when it gets to Netflix.
Puzzle — 3:11 Sorry Jerry, but the water was too inviting!
Fantasy Football — Well I am set to go for this week. Beware the dark horse! We lay back and lull everyone into complacency and then we stride, long strides, for the tape. Holding my own with a perfect record . . . for last! It is all part of my strategy!
Upworthy — I finally found the episode, but have to say I love the notice above on the video: "In case you can't give up your free [not free but funded by taxes and premiums] healthcare and move to America, you can watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart at thecomedynetwork.ca"
This whole issue of Monsanto controlling what seed a farmer uses is patently wrong (pun intended). Farming has been done for thousands upon thousands of years by collecting seeds from one crop to sow the next. If the forces of nature (wind, bugs, animals, birds etc) conspire to contaminate a farmer's crop with elements of a Monsanto manufactured seed, that is beyond the control of the farmer, and not necessarily to his liking. Why should the farmer have to pay large fees etc to Monsanto for something he never intended, nor had control over? Somebody needs to put a choke hold on Monsanto.
UPDATE from Care2: http://www.care2.com/causes/senate-decides-to-let-monsanto-protection-act-die.html
NY Times — Another example of political expediency trumping decency and ethics!
Rubio has no place in the White House, despite what his aspirations are. He could not represent ALL the people — he is far too partisan. No Republicanus/Teabagger has the ability to be POTUS.
MSNBC — Jon Stewart also had a segment on 12/09/13 with Robert Reich. http://www.thecomedynetwork.ca/Shows/TheDailyShow?videoPackage=138682
I hope this movie comes to Canada because, although the figures will be different, the underlying tenets will be similar. And let`s face it, the US is Canada`s largest trading partner, so what hurts one has ripples for the other usually.
Patty you`re right "Robert Reich speaks up for us but the people who should be listening are deaf. How many RepubliCons will watch this movie?"
Personally, I think there should be a MANDATORY showing for all members of Congress (attendance to be taken and publicised) and all members of the Canadian Parliament, including POTUS and PM, and all their primary staffers. If they can`t invest a few hours in their schedule for "continuing education" then they should not be representing us nor making policy. I did continuing education my entire banking career, often even as the instructor. That is how you keep up and try to stay ahead.
Cartoon — I read the cartoon and my immediate reaction was "… and ever since politicians have been bastardising or lying about it." Then I saw the line below. There`s that damn ditch again!
… until the Monster jumped into the water and Mashed you.
Good pointgs, and thanks for the link.
Amen, and thanks for the other link.
And a fine ditch it is!!
Stomache cramps? Maybe you should lay off that chili verde or whatever you called it. Maybe this is just further delayed reaction! My grandfather, years ago, thought he was having a heart attack or something and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. He would have been about 85 years old. Turns out it was a good old case of gas, but very, very painful radiating up into his chest. Seems a really good fart was all that was needed!
Hope you`re feeling better now, or at least laughing at my grandfather`s predicament. He never had a heart attack in his life and died age 99.5 years after a second stroke 3 weeks before he died. We should all be so healthy and a gentle soul.
When I was a volunteer firefighter, we called those fart attacks. It's just a 24+ hour bug. My 24 pork verde and I have a long history, withoit incident, except for neighborhood blight.
I hope you are feeling better and have been able to sleep.
I have signed every petition I can find against Monsanto, but the courts keep ruling in their favor. Simple seed saving is unlawful if some of the seed came from a Monsanto crop. Heritage seeds has a website for organic seeds that so far they have not been able to touch.
Marco Rubio is Ted Cruz in sheep/s clothing.
Reich is so right!
Bill of rights, I dont need no bill or rights'……. NRA. Monsanto. Tea Party
Thanks Edie, I'm running late, because I have,
Goof for you!
There goes lunch!
Amen again.
Is hubby suffocating in a green cloud yet?
Nope, hubby is not suffocating. I read the recipe to him and he just gave me that look and said he would pass. Thanks for sending it anyway.
It really is very good. :megreen:
Sorry you're so poorly TC – stomach bugs are horrid! Love Lynn's idea of compelling members of Congress etc to watch the Robert Reich movie – "attendance to be taken and publicised" – and all politicians the world over, I should think – well, I can dream!
Thanks Pat. Better now.
We beed the Ecerly Brothers.