Apr 022010

This is a new first for Politics Plus.  The GOP Sweetheart for this date is a Democrat.

Blanche-Lincoln Blanche Lincoln’s message to white Arkansas:

This is why I voted … against the public option health care plan, and against the cap and trade bill that would’ve raised energy costs on Arkansas. None of those were right for Arkansas. Some in my party didn’t like it very much, but I approved this measure because I don’t answer to my party.

Blanche Lincoln’s message to black Arkansas:

[I]n an attempt to court the Obama voters she’s repelled throughout the past year, Lincoln is running ads on African-American radio in Arkansas claiming she "stood with our president to pass healthcare reform." The ad continues: "Even though the Tea Party and insurance companies attacked Blanche Lincoln, she never abandoned our president, nor you." Listen to the ads below.

Bill Halter shoots back in his own radio ad:

"Who is Blanche Lincoln trying to fool on healthcare?" says the narrator. "Here’s the deal: she didn’t stand up to the special interests, she worked for them. She sided with those Republicans who tried to kill President Obama’s reforms unless insurance company profits were protected. Insurance companies and HMOs rewarded Lincoln with more the $800,000 in campaign cash…Senator Lincoln, my people aren’t fooled. Bill Halter is the one who’ll stand up for us."

… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Only a true GOP Sweetheart would employ opposite, racially segregated campaign ads.


  6 Responses to “GOP Sweetheart – 3/2/2010: Blanche Lincoln”

  1. No I disagree only a regressive Jim Crow supporter would use racially divisive tactics to retain what little power they have. Maybe her and Palin could form a ticket in 2012.

  2. Her two adds are amazing! I am always surprised when some politicians can be so duplicitous. I would love to sit her down and get her to answer a question regarding the two ads, see where she really stands.

    Seems like Bill Halter may have an edge, and should Lincoln make it to fall, the Republicans are going to have an easy time fighting her…

  3. What a lying bitch!

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