Apr 022010

Yesterday I caught up on replying to comments and returning visits.  I have a lot of volunteer work to do at home today, but I should at least stay caught up.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:05.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Think Progress: For over a year, many on the right have led a smear campaign against the Census, potentially undermining the constitutionally mandated decennial count. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) led the charge, making outlandish claims about internment camps and proudly declaring in June that she would not fill her form, in violation of federal law. Meanwhile, right-wing talk show hosts Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh urged listeners to not fully complete their forms, with Beck warning that answering the race question would somehow “increase slavery.” Today, in a post on the conservative blog Red State, Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC) called out this “blatant misinformation” and urged all Americans to complete the Census, as it is our “Constitutional duty”.

Dang that GOP propaganda!  It’s only the “Constitutional Duty” for lefties to fill out the census.  Republicans and cowardly blue dogs should obey Bachmann and trash the forms. 😈

From Politico: Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council and an influential social conservative, is urging his members to stop giving money to the Republican National Committee.

But the RNC is so effective!  Here’s what I mean.

From Raw Story: Just as Republicans are hoping to extricate themselves from the BondageClubGate scandal, another mishap related to the sex industry is threatening to retie them up.

A low-level staffer was fired Tuesday when it was discovered she was behind a nearly $2,000 charge for a night at a Los Angeles "bondage-themed" bar. Problems got worse Thursday after reports came out that an RNC fundraising mailer listed the number for a phone-sex line.

Callers to the number were offered "live, one-on-one talk with a nasty girl who will do anything you want for just $2.99 per minute".

Can we continue to accuse the GOP of bigotry when they have such a penchant for equal opportunity perversion?

And Rachel Maddow has an update on the C Street follies.

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  4 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/2/2010”

  1. It would be a shame if conservative districts were undercounted because of too many paranoid people refusing to fill out the census forms.

    As a public service, we should all be warning ALL conservatives NOT to fill out that census form and give personal information to the gubmint. Obama has already taken over your health care; just think what this evil dictator will do when he learns all this personal information about YOU.

  2. I would LMAO if Michele Bachmann (aka Crazy woman) lost her seat to redistricting!

    Oh, the RNC will be losing an ass load of money right before the elections – oh, that’s so sad! Bwahahahahaha!

    I love this being tied to a phone sex line. In addition to it being a sex club, it’s also a LESBIAN sex club. Shit, can this get any funnier?

    And the C Streeters are finally getting their due. I have the book “The Family” – I should really start reading it.

    Tom – you are absolutely right – you can never tell what the ‘gubmint’ will do with all your ‘secret’ info. Hell, they could be spying on you right now to see if you fill out your form or you throw it in the trash!

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