Hate Group Disbands

 Posted by at 2:06 am  Politics
Mar 292010

To my way of thinking, the demise of a racist GOP hate group is a good thing by definition, but I can’t say I’m pleased with the potential fallout.

minutemen The Minutemen Civil Defense Corps [wing-nuts delinked] announced Thursday that it will disband after a five-year run. Carmen Mercer, the group’s president, made the announcement only days after circulating a new call to action to its members to come to the border "locked, loaded and ready."

The group has struggled through leadership conflicts, financial mismanagement battles, and failed political campaigns over the years. This recent action reflects a split in the organization over accelerating liability threats due to its membership base which is difficult to control, increasingly hostile and aggressive.

Border Action Network, an Arizona human rights organization that works on the border is not surprised by the recent news. "There has been a growing disconnect from the national and the local Minutemen chapters," explains Jennifer Allen, the group’s Executive Director.

"The national was getting absorbed into the political fights with candidates and lobbying while the local groups continue to attract fringe extremists that are attracted to the paramilitary culture and hate groups."

The Border Action Network notes the local groups’ increasingly aggressive and hostile membership base. In one incident of alleged aggressive membership behavior, Washington State Minutemen chapter members, Shawna Forde and Jason Bush, are charged with murdering a Latino father and daughter in rural Arivaca, AZ in June 2009. They are expected to go on trial later this year.

The Border Action Network has documented repeated incidents of Minutemen and other vigilante groups abusing immigrants over the years. In a case they filed in 2005 with the Organization of American States’ Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, they relate that many of the one thousand individuals who were detained by vigilante groups and individuals reported were shot at, kicked, dragged, and, in other ways, physically and verbally abused.

Their case charges the U.S. government with human rights violations for failing to prosecute Minutemen and other vigilante groups. "We expect the case to be heard by the Commission later this year," explains Allen.

Allen continued, "The fundamental problem is that the U.S., at all levels, has turned a blind-eye to the growth of fringe, hate groups. The consequences have been deadly."

Ironically, Allen does not expect to see the human rights situation improve with the Minutemen’s disbanding. Rather, she predicts an increase in violence by vigilante groups as a result of the restructuring.

"Without the U.S. officials stepping up or their own [Minuteman] national group attempting to keep the local radical organizations in check, we can expect to see more assaults on immigrants and those that live in the border region."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

What we see here is a microcosm of the GOP’s hate tactics.  In all probability the GOP leadership (with exceptions) does not want violence to actually occur.  For the leadership hate is a weapon of intimidation through the threat of violence.  When violence actually occurs, that defeats their purpose, because it angers the left and increases our resolve.

The problem is that, once the genie is out of the bottle, controlling it or putting it back in is an extremely difficult, if not impossible, task.  It was too much for the Minutemen.  Now the wing-nuts patrolling the border have no restraint at all.

On a larger, we may be looking at a parallel of the GOP inspired and funded hate group, the Teabaggers.  That genie is out of the bottle, and it may turn on it’s master.  Wouldn’t it be ironic, if the final demise of the GOP is brought on by their own creation?  It may happen, because the GOP leadership has been as spineless in restraining teabagger violence as the Democratic party has in bringing blue dogs to heel.

Finally, we owe a debt of thanks to the true patriots in the Border action network and similar groups, courageously exploring the border area to protect people by exposing the criminal activities of the Minutemen and others of their ilk.  They represent what American values must be.


  21 Responses to “Hate Group Disbands”

  1. The problem is that, once the genie is out of the bottle, controlling it or putting it back in is an extremely difficult, if not impossible, task.

    It is more than that, such a genie let loose will affect the innocent as well as the guilty.

  2. They are disbanded, but they still feel the same, hate sticks.

  3. I’ll bet this news breaks the heart of ol’ Lou Dobbs. He often featured the Minutemen on his show. There was just an FBI arrest of some “Christian” militiamen in Michigan, too—we have become a nation teeming with crazy, armed, fanatical hate groups.

  4. The disintegration of this group is a good thing, but they’ll just wander off into other equally vile groups.

    I’m all for a study of DNA and brains of these types to find out if there’s a physical component to their lack of empathy. They found a “killer” abnormality in serial killers. Maybe these people are the same.

    • That opens up some privacy issues Marva. The government cannot take DNA without a court order based on criminal conviction of or probable cause.

  5. The white supremacists and militia groups saw their chance to become mainstream with the teabaggers rising up. They have joined with the teabaggers and now become part of them.

  6. There are individuals and groups such as this all over America. The FBI works very hard to keep track of them, unfortunately that is tough, given that many of them are always on the move. We should make no mistake. These people are dangerous and head the lists of domestic terrorists organizations. It has only just begun.

  7. I think our whole nation needs intensive anger management help. Civil discourse has almost disappeared. Even in Congress we have supposed “leaders” yelling out of turn at the president, interrupting even the State of the Union address.

    • Billie, as an anger mananagement grad, I appreciate that. To what extent do you come into contact with people like this in your work on the border?

  8. Joke, joke:

    Geez, you’d think that with a gay stance like that, they’d be Democrats.

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