Mar 292010

Yesterday I caught up with comments, but got no visiting in.  When I finished doing my taxes, I felt like I had been dildoed with a cattle prod with no off switch. :-(  Today I have to make a grocery run for staples, but should get some visiting in.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Raw Story: The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed an unprecedented veto to restrict or prohibit mining at a major proposed US mountaintop removal coal mining site.

If the veto is finalized, it would invalidate a permit first issued in 2007 for the Army Corps of Engineers at the Spruce No. 1 surface mine in southern West Virginia.

In explaining its decision, the EPA said Friday the Arch Coal Inc. mine would pollute surrounding water, fill over seven miles (11 kilometers) of stream, would cause "unacceptable" harm to wildlife and "directly impact" some 2,278 acres (922 hectares) of forest.

I hope they can follow through with this.

From Common Dreams: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has infuriated Washington with plans to expand settlements in east Jerusalem, on Sunday accused the Palestinians of blocking US peace efforts.

His remarks came after the Palestinians reiterated their refusal to hold even indirect talks without a complete Jewish settlement freeze.

In a scale of one to ten, that has a BS factor of 14.




  One Response to “Open Thread – 3/29/2010”

  1. Great cartoon. That sums up the Republicans’ predicament.

    And three cheers for the EPA. I hope they veto that M%$#!&F#!%&!.

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