Feb 232025

Recently President [sic] Trump said something terrifying: “He who saves his country does not violate any law.” It is a variation of a quote that has been attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte.

First, Mr. Tangerine Traitor, you didn’t save this country, and you have zero intention of doing so. Second, nobody is above the law. Nobody. Period.

As if that is not enough, he recently signed an Executive Order that brings formerly independent agencies under the direct control of the White House. It means that agencies such as the SEC and FTC must submit draft regulations to the President for review instead of green-lighting those regulations themselves. The Office of Management and Budget is required to ensure that all tax dollars are spent “wisely.” Yeah, right. “Wisely,” no doubt, means whatever pleases the President’s whims.

The EO further states that the POTUS and the Attorney General – the latter subject to the President’s direction – will interpret the law for the executive branch. It declares that all officials and employees in the executive branch are under the President’s direct supervision.

At least the Orange Oaf is living up to one of his campaign promises – to be a dictator. However, he’s gone way beyond Day One. No surprise there – give him a centimeter, and he’ll take an entire kilometer.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

His supporters voted for him on the basis of the price of eggs (OK, there were plenty of other factors as well.). Has the price of eggs come down? No. Well, you vote for the Leopards Eating Your Face Party, you have no business howling when a leopard actually does eat your face.

Donald Trump is not only out of his cranium, he is out-and-out evil. Period. No ifs, ands, buts, riders, addenda or postscripts. Your mileage will not vary. He has abandoned Ukraine, kissed up to Vladimir Putin, and fired thousands of necessary federal workers. His Cabinet nominees – several of whom, sadly, have been approved by the spineless, jonquil-bellied, marshmallow-livered twits in Congress – are utterly unqualified for their positions. Is it coincidence that one of the worst air tragedies in US history  took place not long after his orange arse re-occupied the Oval Office?

Fortunately, the Resistance has begun, and begun strong. The 50501 Movement (50 states, 50 protests, 1 day) has proven successful in getting people to demonstrate outside their state capitols. Even on short notice, these actions attracted impressive crowds. A lot of people were off work on 17 February, Presidents’ Day, and they took good advantage of their free time.

Protests are great, and the media love them; however, these are a beginning, not an ending. Protests provide great opportunities to network so organizations and individuals can pool their power and resources. Even when institutions have different goals or causes, there is considerable intersectionality these days since tRump 2.0 is attacking so many segments of society, as well as the environment. Even many of his supporters are now turning against him.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of little, subtle ways that we can fight back:

    • Buy banned books from an independent book store
    • Put banned books in Little Free Libraries
    • Support local, mom-n-pop type businesses
    • Join a co-op

Now is the time to start planning for the midterm elections in 2026. The Working Families Party for years has been backing candidates, that support progressive programs and ideals. The League of Women Voters publishes candidates’ responses to important questions. Organizations that do not endorse candidates in order to retain their 501c3 status may provide lists of candidates and their scores on various issues so you can find out which candidates are friendliest to civil rights, the environment, families, and so on.

Already articles of impeachment have been filed against tRump. Let us hope that the third time is the charm. With Republicans dominating both houses of Congress, it may seem as though the chances of victory are slim; however, many Republicans are turning against tRump, and some Republican Senators who are up for election in 2026 just might put political expediency ahead of party loyalty. If we lean on our Reps, and those Senators whose current terms end in 2027, if we focus all our effort on the appropriate pressure points, maybe we’ll have the first successful Presidential impeachment ever.

Of course, the bad news is then we’ll get President J. D. Vance, which could be out of the frying pan and into the fire.


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