Feb 172025

Yesterday, Trinette was by and helped me with the stuff I either cannot do, or cannot do without wearing myself out, or am nervous about doing any given week. And then we chatted for a while. She is not only a great friend, she is also a lot of fun. Also, Axios, which I mostly subscribe to for the breaking news alerts, came out with a story on which states give the Federal government more then they receive from it, and vice versa. We all know the ones that give more are mostly blue states, but it’s handy to have the names, the figures, and the color-coded maps.

This sounds from the headline as if it ought to be a good news story, but it isn’t, because the things which divide us, not being fact based, are extremely difficult to debunk. When your platform is based on “owning the libs,” who are supposed to believe in killing and raping children (project much?), it’s tough to get past that.

If there was ever a week to post Joyce Vance’s “The Week Ahead” column, this would be it. I expect everyone has heard of the “SAVE Act” and y’all probably have a pretty good idea of what is in it, but this makes it pellucidly clear. And that’s just the start. There are other things going on – so many other things that I’m having trouble coping, and I’m sure you are too. Hopefully a little clarity, even if it doesn’t help all that much, can’t hurt.


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