Yesterday, although it has taken a while for them to do so, Faithful America has decided to send a card of welcome and congratulations to Sarah McBride. Of course I signed it. It’s the least we can do. Also yesterday, Los Angeles, California, was in flames (and I assume still is). But y’all probably knew that before I did. Also, I may have jumped to conclusions on the story that was yanked from CPR yesterday. Today’s newsletter says it was a scheduling issue and it will be available next week. We shall see. Today is the day of Jimmy Carter’s service in the Washington National Cathedral – hence the cartoon with his tool belt. Very few people would even be able to lift it, let alone use it.
Joyce Vance combines the fire[s] on Los Angeles and the nerve of the Apricot Antichrist thinking he can (or should) annex Canada in a comparatively short rant with a fine point. Also, in case anyone cares, the full name of the city is “Ciudad [or maybe El Pueblo -historians aren’t agreed] del Rio de Nuestra Señora Reina de los angeles en Porciuncula.”
Wonkette has the most backgrounded story on Los Angeles which I have yet seen – not that I have made it through all my emails as I type – but if I find something better I’ll replace this with it. I note that it mentions the story about many hydrants having no or minimal water pressure and that being due to low reservoirs originates with one billionaire – the one she defeated for the mayoralty – so the fact that it is all over social media now doesn’t necessarily mean it is true. In fact, Wonkette has some evidence that at least the part about low reservoirs is false. (But Steve Schmidt fell for it hook, line, and sinker.)