Yesterday, reading the list of Medal of Freedom recipients, I thought “Boy, I’ll bet those people (I’m assuming three different people, but there’s no way to know) who donated those three Ralph Lauren handbags to the Association for Retarded Citizens so that I could buy them dirt cheap to use for knitting projects are sorry now.” I’m not letting them go. Also, yes, the cartoon is old, but I missed it the first time around, and with a little imaginary bleach and a change of numbers, it fits again. I hope everyone who experienced snow survived it and that there’ll be a little break in it for y’all
This from Wonkette would be funny if it weren’t going to harm so many of the nation’s most vulnerable people.
This report from ProPublica is massive, as it covers years of undercover activity investigating militias. (The audio version is almost three quarters of an hour.
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