Yesterday, There was a very public mass murder in New Orleans which the FBI is investigating. Joyce Vance is following it up as much as she can on BlueSky, where her handle is @joycewhitevance.bsky.social. Through her Substack, she urges everyone not to jump to conclusions or to believe rumors. I hope y’all’s holiday was better than than the day in NOLA. Louisiana may be a red southern state, but it still deserves better than that.
One of the things which frustrates, depresses, even paralyzes me about American politics is this: America is actually blessed with many intelligent and savvy people who understand exactly what needs to be done in order for America to be at its best, and can say (or write) articulately and make it very clear. BUT they all have exactly zero ability, authority, or opportunity to make it happen. Dan Froomkin is one. His recommendations are exactly what we as a nation need. But how is that to be accomplished when all the major news outlet are owned by billionaires with fascist agendas, who are also willing and able to buy up or push into obscurity or both any small outlet which is doing its best to be accurate and truthful? This article is a wonderful step by step playbook for real journalists to follow and become modern Cronkites and Murrows – if only they would be allowed to do so and still keep their jobs. Or brave enough not to care.
The Talking Feds Substack (which means Harry Litman) had a guest article by another attorney he knows well. And it goes well with my first post, because of course he is right, and points out all the right evidence. But – how are we to, as Aesop pointed out – bell the cat? Nevertheless, it’s stuff worth knowing even if one cannot act on it.
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