Yesterday, I saw yet another reference to Mike Johnson as a Christian with no quotation marks or query mark or qualification (for example, MAGA.) In my lifetime I’ve read a lot of literature from a lot of periods, and, at least in the first half of the 20th century, people had no problem using the word “soi-disant” when someone’s claims were questionable. Yes, it’s French, and the basic meaning is “They say they are [whatever], but it’s not provable from their conduct.” The closest English term is “self-styled.” But I haven’t heard or seen either term for decades. And yet, there are just as many imposters, if not more, even percentage-wise, as there were in the early 1900s. When did being tolerant and accepting turn into being mealy-mouthed? Justice, including social justice, still needs truth in order to function properly. [End of rant.]
I have never been a fan of Rahm Emanuel. But I do believe humans are capable of learning (that they choose not to doesn’t mean they couldn’t if they chose to), and if Steve Schmidt says Emanuel has learned a lot, I’m willing to listen (actually, to read, but the principle is the same.) And I have to admit it’s interesting.
From Heather Cox Richardson, another reminder that there used to be Republicans who were not moronic or insane. Who actually cared about public health. Who actually did something about it. It hasn’t always been like this.
Belle foreign policy