Yesterday, I got up early (knowing I would have to get up even earlier today) and so was up when Virgil called (he says “Hi”). Trinette came by (she says hi) and moved some stuff for me. Other than that I didn’t do much of anything. Some days need to be like that.
Extra: Robert Reich caption contest with last week winners
Post publication addition – “Here Is Your Wonkette Explainer Of What Just Happened In Syria.!” I figure it’s as close as we are likely to get to honesty, especially this early.
Robert Hubbell always takes pains to be thoughtful and accurate (and to do his homework before posting.) Over the years I have seen so many people write petitions for things which really do need to be done, and then address them to people who have absolutely no power to accomplish them. When I am aware of that – and I’m sure I’m not always – I attempt to notify the petitioner or the petition sponsor. The third section of this newsletter addresses such a situation and clearly shows “This is how it’s done.” (Not to belittle the rest of the newsletter.)
Steve Schmidt has a new “Schmidt Storm” out. Yes, it’s a video, but there’s a transcript available. We all know where there’s Trump** there’s corruption, but we don’t always have details.
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