Oct 212024

Yesterday, I saw Virgil and of course we plauyed cribbage  We had quite a mix of hands, from terrible to meh to good to great.  The drive was easy both ways.  I decided to get off the interstate this time at the same exit I always get onfor the return trip, and that worked very well.  This aftermoon I have someone coming to switch over my phone and internet service; I did not initiate this, but CenturyLink who has done both for me formore than a decade at least is getting out of local internet and quite possible phone service as well, and this is who they chose to recommend as a replacement.  I’m dreading it – i already put it off for over a month  But the day is now here.  Wish me luck.

Crooks and Liars picked this story up. It may not make headlines, but maybe it should. Not that the DOJ has enough staff to go into every county – or even just every county with a MAGA Sheriff.

I almost put this from Wonkette into my intro because I’m speechless.
