Yesterday, I saw Virgil and we played more cribbage. Virgil had the two highest scoring hands of the day, 20 and 21. If you don’t play cribbage, that probably sounds small. But it’s impossible to get more than 29 in one hand (heck, it’s darned near impossible to get 29! In order to to so, one must be dealt , in two-handed, six cards,three of which are fives, along with the jack which is not the same suit as any of the fives, And must must not put any of those four cards into the crib. After that, the card which is “cut” to be everyone’s fifth card must be the fourth five. I’m not an expert and experienced cribbage player, but i’ve never seen anything even remotely close to that.)
Since this is a federal prosecution in a federal court, and it’s not in Florida, they might get this recommendation. But of course they also may not. It’s clear, at least to me, that the kind of people we need in police work are not getting hired (and if they were they could not survive in the current environment.) Police reform will not happen by improvig the training or changing policies as long as police forces are made up of bullies (who come in all races and all genders, by the way.)
If Doctor Fauci can get the West Nile virus, I would say just about anyone could also get it (it is mosquito borne.) We have it in Colorado, although only one case has been confirmed in my county. Last year was bad for it, but it looks like this year, at least in Colorado, will be less so. (We also have bird flu.) If you have any kind of vulnerability, like allergies, you mught want to check with your state’s health department (which can generally be done on line) about the likelihood. I got my local information from Colorado Public Radio, which is pretty reliable. Does every state have a public radio service, a state one, distinct from NPR? Standing water is definitely a thing to watch. One dude at Democratic Underground, who keeps two 20-gallon tanks in his back yard to collect rainwater,says that in mosquito season he buys maybe half a dozen or more goldfish and puts them in the tanks, and they eat any larvae laid by the mosquitoes
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