Aug 042024

Yesterday, my Informed Delivery email showed a note from Paul Whelan in my mailbox. I’ll be picking it up today. I can’t imagine how many notes were sent to him that he wasn’t allowed to answer (or maybe even to see.) I hope (and kind of assume) he has people helping him to answer every single one. I’m so glad he’s home (and of course the others.) I gather Kamala had a big part in the dilomacy, though I haven’t (as I type) seen any details yet (too busy listening to the opera –  Berlioz “Damnation of Faust”). If you see any details on that before I can post, feel free to share in a comment.
Also – I don’t intend to start adding commentary on Beau as a regular thing. But if you ever watch him at all, do so today. If you don’t, the next time you do, you will think that either he or I, or maybe both, have lost our collective minds. That’s not actually the case.

Weekends tend to be slim pickings. But this is as good a summary of the week (actually the last two weeks) as you are likely to find. And if you’re interested in astronomy, don’t leave the page without scrolling to the bottom. I am pretty sure he is no relation to the telescope (it’s not even spelled the same) but I did wonder.

This appears to be extremely good news. I have a lot of respect for retired Judge Luttig. Of course, he’s 70, which means he’s not only old enough to remember when there were Republicans with honor – he’s old enough to be one.


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