Yesterday, Wonkette provided a gift link to an article on the Alitos. There has been plenty of coverage of what was said, but not so much of why it was so terrible. This article dives deep into the why. It also provides answers to some of the same questions asked of Chief Justice Roberts. There is a notable difference. Also FLorida (south Florida) was a bit damp. Our Mitch tipped me off to this in two emals (the second was arighteous but short rant LOL) And one more thing – I got the email that my primary ballot has been counted.
It had occurred to me that this might be the case. I’m happy to see I’m not the only one who thinks so.
Of course Congress has the authority to pass a Code of Ethics for the Supreme Court. The authors of the Constitution specified they wanted a government with checks and balances. The claim that Congress cannoy legislate the Spureme Court is therefore unconstitutional on the face of it. Not that any minds will be changed by me.
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