May 112024

Yesterday was a bad back (and shoulder) day. I wasnt happy about it, but I had to admit I had earned it – assembling furniture, packing stuff up for charity, moving heavy stuff around. I thought I had paced it better, but I guess not. I used the TENS a full two hours, which helped. And today is an opera day (also a filling pill bottles for the next two weeks day) so I’ll make a point of resting physically, and ice if necessary.

This is what clean energy is all about – rechargeable batteries. Not the double A ones you probably use if you have a solar stake in your yard, but big ones. Really big ones.

Eric Adams is not my idea of the world’s greatest mayor – but I do like this. (And, if Trump** doesn’t hand his phone off to one of his attorneys before they take him, they will confiscate it, and there will be no Xeets from it. Not that i suppose the reception is all that great inside.)


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