Yesterday, still needed (and got) more sleep. Then, it being Freiday, and given that Trinette is coming today this week instead of tomorrow, I needed to so some serious moving things around so she will be able to take tham out to the bins. That left me very short on time, so today, you are getting a personal update. One article I had picked out inadvance, abd one video ditto (I line the animal videos up way in advance, basically alternating cats and dogs, and squeezing other critters in at intervals in order to keep some variety.) I’m pretty confident I’ll have more tomorrow.
Joyce Vance is getting quoted a fair amount, this article in particular. For one, Heather Cox Richardson quoted Joyce in her daily letter. HCR will recommend quote through Substacks system (and periodically I get an email of quotes), but this is the first time I have seen her put a quote into her own email.
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