Nov 222023

Yes, it’s that day again – 60 years ago now.  I was thinking about that recently in connection with an article on whether we shoould require the release of medical records by all candidates for President (along with tax records.)  Sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it?  But I have very mixed feelings about it.

In any case, before it’s too late, I want to share this cautionary article for anyone who might be honored by being invited to a Black Thanksgiving dinner but not know much about Black food culture in particular.  It gave me some chuckles, a couple of gag reflexes, and a few surprises.

The Root – 17 Dishes You BET NOT Bring to a Black Thanksgiving

#4 – Green Bean Casseerole.  Amongst the several polls I sent out requesting ideas for this list, this abomination was at the top. The only acceptable form of green beans is with smoked turkey neck and potatoes. Why is it a trend to make this a casserole?

#6  – Potato Salad with Raisins

Matter fact, keep anything you got with raisins in it. Keep ya potato salad, ya pasta salad, macaroni salad and the criminal attempt at a pan of macaroni and cheese if it has raisins. You must do time over this.

15 – Gelatin-Based Oddities

We’re wayyy past that odd 1980s moment when everything edible was put in gelatin. Leave it alone, babes..unless it’s Jell-O shots. Those are always welcome.

Yes, there are more.  And pictures.  I hope you get some laughs too.

Personal Update:  I have had one contractor here and have a contract for that service – which kind of has to be, maybe not done, but at least under weigh before I can do much else.  At least I am getting more confident getting around the house, and that’s a good thing.



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