Nov 082023

Just a short rant today based on what I have been watching on PBS (having nothing better to do).

Cultural genocide is something of which we and Canada are both guilty. We largely used boarding schools and techniques like washing kids’ mouths out with soap should one, God forbid, breathe a Native American word. Canada mostly used breaking up families by adoption into different cultures, doing all they could to avoid siblings ever meeting again. (If you want your heart broken, a dramatization called “Little Bird” addresses just one of these stories – PBS aired it but it was not made for them and may well be available to stream for free if you search.)

You probably know some of this. You may know all of it. You may even know what I didn’t but learned from an elderly Di’neh on one of the shows whose mouth survived the soap – That as we were doing this to them, we told them we were doing it because “Tradition is the enemy of progress.” Yes, you read that right. One of the most unprogressive populations in history, patriarchal white Americans, justified themselves to their victims by citing “progress.”

And now, pleading before the Supreme Court of the US, y are arguing in a 2A case that a DV abuser should be allowed to have guns because “tradition.”

Someone needs to tell them that



JD update by JD:

Yes, I moved to rehab yesterday, just before sunset. Until an hour before it happened, I had excected just to move up one floor, but the plan changed so fast I had to move in a gown. Trinette (my Wendy) was in work training And I did NOT want to interrupt, but after the long day I reached her and she brought me two complete outfits and other comforts.
I am now in the care of Encompass Health (719) 630-8000) in Room 227. It is a double but I know not whether there is an A/B. I had initial PT/OT eval today which was mostly exhausting physical tests, some downright scary, and I’m very tired, but I have found on line (and have a date with) the opera local PBS cheated me out of because God forbid some innocent child might hear a gay word. But I’ll leave you with a picture of Trinette in one of the first sweaters I have made for her – and pick up my knitting (one of the other comforts she brought last night) and keep my opera date.


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