Yesterday (actually Wednesday, but Heather Cox Richardson’s letters don’t arrive until after midnight), Richardson came up with an explanation why the military were slow to respond on January 6 which makes sense. Readers’ Digest version, they had gotten wind of Trump**’s considering using the Insurrection Act and were not sure whose side they’d be on – and didn’t want to be on the wrong side. I don’t know whether that’s original to her or whether it’s floating around. But it does make sense. The military were (quite reasonably) concerned about what Trump** might do, and at that point it wasn’t as widely known as it is now who was in on it. Also this week, our national credit rating was downgraded by Fitch Ratings Inc. (I never heard of them either, but I don’t run in those circles.) This is only the second time in history our credit rating has been downgradeed, the first being in 2011 by Standard & Poor. Both downgrades happened shortly after a fight in Congress over the debt ceiling – in other words, both were caused by Republicans in Congress – but both also happened during Democratic Presidencies. In 2012 Obama was reelected anyway. We’ll hope that the IQ of the American public has not degraded so much in the intervening 12 years as to hurt Joe’s reelection. Also yesterday, Colorado Public Radio reported that Colorado’s troll population has doubled. But not to worry. They’re talking about statues. Oh yeah, and Donald J. Trump** was arraigned. But you knew that.
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Short Takes –
HuffPost Politics – The Republicans Still Defending Trump Would Be Totally Fine With This
Quote – Now, none of this is actually possible because Democrats, including Biden, and a small group of Republicans voted in 2022 to reform the Electoral Count Act to prevent the submission of phony elector slates and specify the vice president’s role as solely ceremonial. Most Republicans, however, opposed this reform. And in defending Trump today, they seem to think that it would be legal and fine for Biden to pressure elected officials to change vote totals, organize phony electors and for Harris to unilaterally steal the election for Biden.
Click through for logical conclusion. Not that we haven’t all figured it out already. But it’s well thought out all the way, and well said.
WDRB dot com (tip fro Crooks & Liars) – Kentucky woman convicted of mailing threats, racial slurs to neighbors sentenced by judge
Quote – The woman who mailed violent, racists threats to her neighbors in Lake Forest will spend nine years in prison for it. The case has been ongoing for about three years. According to court documents, Suzanne Craft sent a series of threatening letters to a family in the Lake Forrest neighborhood after being ordered to stay away from them. This happened between November and December 2020, prosecutors said.
Click through for details. Appears she has reached the “Find Out” part. I wonder whether nine years will be enough.
Food For Thought
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