Jul 032023

Yesterday, I saw Virgil; he is well and returns all greetings. We did play Scrabble, but the letters were so weird that we had to use abbreviations, acronyms, slang, and foreign words to fill the board, in all the games, and we only got three in, as opposed to four on the previous visit. The weather was just about perfect – sun and warmth (but not so much warmth as to delay the car’s air conditioner from coming full on), a little cloud cover, but not too much, and sunset is not ging to get any later than it was yesterday. As I got off the interstate, my car said it was hungry, so I stopped and filled it. So I got home a bit after 4:30 instead of a but before. When I see Virgil, I don’t eat aything from the vending machines, on account of food allergiues (Yes, the stuff is labelled, but it’s not possible to read the ingredients until after getting it out of the machine, and I do hate waste.) So when I get home I’m more than ready for dinner. In the interests of saving a little time, I turn on the living room laptop rather than going all the way back to my desktop. It is slow turning on and slow bringing up theinternet – I use that time for changing into more comfortable clothing, putting stuff away, and then for starting the microwave – so I’m usually home for a half hour or even a little more before I get a comment posted. So please don’t anyone panic if my “home safe” message isn’t up right at 4:30 Mountain.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Robert Hubbell – Brute Force in the Service of Religious Nationalism
Quote – I will briefly address the constitutional issues below, but before I do, it is appropriate to set aside legal arguments to discuss the human dimensions of the majority’s ruling in 303 Creative. The majority ruled that a business offering creative services to the public can refuse to provide those services to LGBTQ people if the business claims doing so will impair its right to free speech. Forget the procedural background and the judicial arm-waving designed to distract us. At root, the decision authorizes American business owners to discriminate against LGBTQ people. Period. It is a first step, taken in bad faith and wrapped in lies.
Click through for more. He is an attorney in Los Angeles to whom my cousin pointed me. He has opened a comments section to paying, non-paying, and non-subscribers to this post only. Today and tomorrow I am featuring this and another Substack column, the other being from Heather Cox Richardson, who is an historian (and just as angry as Hubbell about this.)

Crooks & Liars – Dark Brandon Won’t Let SCOTUS Stop Student Debt Relief
Quote – “I love the concern for the privileged,” Biden said with a sarcastic chuckle. He didn’t mention how privileged the conservative wing of the court is but he didn’t really have to given all the publicity about how they are raking in the undisclosed gifts, luxury travel and more from their wealthy pals hoping – and getting – favorable rulings.
Click through for the story (and a short video). I’m glad Joe is our President.

Food For Thought


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