Yesterday was Flag Day, commemorating the day in 1778 when the Continental Congress (the second one) voted to accept the design. I wonder what they would think if they could see it today. And IMO it needs to be expanded again. DC, Puerto RIce, and the US Virgin Islands for starters. It’s time we gave all citiens full citizenship.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Crooks & Liars – Trump Admits Guilt During Asinine Speech Post-Arraignment
Quote – Former FBI General Counsel Andrew Weissman was appalled…. “[T]hose statements that you just played are admissible as admissions, regardless of whether Donald Trump takes the stand or not,” Weissmann said. “Those are admissions. So, that is part of what he said is just a straight-out confession. It’s not a defense. It’s confession.”,,, Who knew being “too busy” was a proper legal defense for refusing to return top secret documents relating to our national security?
Click through for story. I can’t guess whether he actually believes this is exculpatory or just thinks his base will believe so. I know that when I find myself thinking “I don’t have time for that,” it really means there are other things I’d rather do. And sometimes that is actually legitimate, if the thing I’d rather do gives me some needed benefit that the thing I “don’t have time for” doesn’t – but some of those things I “don’t have time for” really need to be done, and eventually I have to do them.
Denver Gazette “Out There” – Denver Zoo gets big donation after winning bet on Nuggets’ NBA Finals victory
Quote – Denver Zoo took to Twitter on Tuesday to thank Zoo Miami for their $2,500 donation to the Mile High City zoo’s efforts related to the bighorn sheep and mountain goats on Mount Evans. The donation was the result of the Denver Zoo making a bet with Zoo Miami based on the outcome of the Miami Heat versus Denver Nuggets NBA Finals match-up, which the Nuggets won on Monday night in a four-to-one series. Had the Heat won the series, the Denver Zoo would have been obligated to make a donation to the Zoo Miami sea turtle conservation effort.
Click through for details. I’m not a betting person. If it’s something not terribly important, I may consider betting on what I don’t want (so that I win either way.) But I do realize many people are fascinated by gambles, and I have no objection to that fascination being used to publicize good causes. (There’s a cute pcture of a baby bighorn, BTW.
Food For Thought
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