May 232023

Yesterday,I did manage to get out and cut a couple of the irises to bring indoors. They won’t last very long … but they’ll be fun while they do. I also put ogether a grocery order for today, so if there are excssive typos tomorrow, that will likely be the explanation.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Civil Discourse – The Week Ahead
Quote – Protective orders like this are used when a defendant’s conduct threatens the safety and well-being of witnesses, victims, or anyone else related to the case. Prosecutors argued Trump’s history of making “harassing, embarrassing, and threatening statements” about other people in his various other legal disputes merited this action. Judge Merchan scheduled the hearing that requires Trump’s virtual attendance the day after Trump appeared on CNN’s town hall and lied, offered fake excuses, and insulted people. He called the prosecutors’ indictment in the Manhattan case a “fake charge.”
Click through for various potential happenings. I appreciate Joyce giving us some stuff to watch out for.

Colorado Public Radio – France gave Colorado a thank-you train car after WWII. Then Colorado lost it
Quote – In 1947, Europe was rebuilding from the destruction of World War II. Big-hearted Americans wanted to help. So a train crossed this country gathering aid. The Friendship Train collected tens of millions of dollars in food and supplies. The Europeans were grateful. In 1949, the French sent a thank you note. Well, much more than a thank you note. France bestowed upon the United States 49 Merci train cars — one for each state at the time. (“Merci” is French for thank you.) Hawaii and The District of Columbia shared the 49th because of their notable contributions. Alaska didn’t get one. And these train cars were full.
Click through for history. OK, this is not exactly breaking news. But it did happen within my lifetime, and t happened in every state except Alaska (which was then still a territory), and I was 4 years old in California, and I had no clue. None. This may not be one of the most inportant events in the history of the earth, or even i the history of the war, but dammit, it does have implications for foreign policy. I can understand people spuuressing, or trying to suppress it after 9/11, but this vanished from public knowledge long before that.

Food For Thought


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