Yesterday, Crooks & Liars found a video which shows Republican leaders as drag queens, thanks to judicious use of AI. Frankly, some of them look more like drag wenches or other drag commoners than drag queens (not that that doesn’t make them even weirder.) But it’s good for a laugh if you need one. Otherwise, there’s no news – unless snow on the ground is news. But it’s not like we haven’t seen snow as late as the third week of May here. Also, Name Drop was kind to me. i did not get it on the first clue, but did on thesecond.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Crooks & Liars – Anonymous: We Will Release Info On GOP Sexual Predators
Crooks & Liars – Anonymous Announces Plans To Highlight GOP Sex Predators
Quote – “Over the next 50 days, we will be releasing every Republican sexual predator, abuser and enabler, focusing on underage and consent.” They attached a reel about Trump’s accused sex crimes, including the 13-year-old who said he raped her. My response is, is 50 days enough?
Click through to one or both. When Crooks & Liars posts a video, they often post it twice. One post will jave just the video, or if there are words at all, they are few. The other will have more detail in text. When they put them into their newsletter, for soeme reason, they put the one with no words in the regular news part, and the one with detailinto the “CLTV” section. This time I just decided to share both, even though it’s the same story. I haven’t seen it elsewhere. But I hope it’s real.
5280 Magazine – Did Any Coloradans Pay Their State Income Taxes in Crypto?
Quote – Last September, Governor Jared Polis kicked things off when he announced that, effective immediately, Colorado would begin accepting cryptocurrencies as payments for a number of different taxes, most notably state income taxes. The move wasn’t entirely surprising for Polis, who has been a noted fan of blockchain technology since before he became Colorado’s governor and who has since made multiple appearances at ETHDenver, the annual crypto conference that’s hosted in the Mile High City. What is surprising is just how few Coloradans actually did it: As of April 14, only 11 people paid their state income taxes using crypto, according to the Colorado Department of Revenue. Of the roughly 3.1 million individual tax returns Colorado can expect to receive this year, that represents just 0.00035 percent.
Click through for story. Well, I mean, why not? If it gets the job done, why not use it? Apparently we are the first state to allow it. But everything new has to start somewhere.
Food For Thought
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